Did I do the right thing?

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Well-known member
May 28, 2013
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Flopsy was bred last month. This would be her first pregnancy. It's days 33 and no kits. She hasn't shown any signs of being pregnant either ..but then again Mopsy didn't during her first pregnancy. Anyways, I took out her nest box today. All she has done with it is eat the hay and use the middle as a bathroom. Should I put it back in or assume that the pregnancy didn't take?
I'd put it back, just because my last litter? The doe was due, no kits...on day 35 I said "heck with it" and pulled the nest box, all she'd done was eat the hay.

The next morning I found four dead kits in a pile on the wire, piled high with hair she'd only just pulled that night. :( I felt horrible.

Better to deal with a pee'd in box for a few more days than the loss of a litter!!!!

Clean it out, and maybe put it in another location.

Try bedding it with shavings and shredded paper. I sometimes use brown paper bags run through our document shredder. The paper mixes well with the fur. At this time of year, having a nest full of hay is not as important as it is in the colder months.

Good luck! I hope popples are on the way! :clover:
Yep, I would give her at least 35 or 36 days. Some does just kindle late. You can expect almost anything with a first time doe.
Yep, I'm with everybunny else... clean the nest thoroughly, stuff it again (maybe with different material), and give it back to her. Day 33 is just too early to call the game. :)
I'd put it back. There are too many stories of lost litters because of nestboxes pulled too soon.
Like everyone else said, clean it and put it back, better to put up with her using it as a bathroom than risk dead kits.
whereas an alternative view. If she's been pooping and peeing in it and showing NO signs of pregnancy I'd remove it and be done with it.

BUT you know your does best.

If you work with them and watch them daily you get to know how they change....and they all do when preggers, sometimes very subtly. If she's exactly the same, and she's making a mess, I'd say you're not and rebreed her.

OR you could rebreed her and leave the box in for one more night....if she is preggers she'll kindle that night. :) That's a fairly good trick as well. :)
Ok, box is back in. I'll try feeling her belly again tomorrow. I'm still very inexperienced with it though...only have had rabbits since last fall and our other doe has only had 2 pregnancies and not sure if I felt anything either time.
Ladysown's right, sometimes rebreeding after the due date will stimulate labor.

She may flatly refuse to breed, though... I've had that happen.
Day would be day 37, still no kits. I tried breeding her with Peter on Friday. Fingers crossed that we'll have kits around July 1st!
MamaDani":2b3n9gny said:
I tried breeding her with Peter on Friday.
Hey MamaDani----what does this statement mean? I do not know how much you know but they either "Did" or "Tried"----now whether it "takes" is another subject!
Well, he mounted her and he fell off but I'm not sure if she lifted?? I'm still quite new to this. I thought for sure last time that she was bred with Cottontail but we would have kits right now if she did.
MamaDani":25k8eey7 said:
Well, he mounted her and he fell off but I'm not sure if she lifted?? I'm still quite new to this. I thought for sure last time that she was bred with Cottontail but we would have kits right now if she did.

Watch this for a few seconds----You can learn alot(Watch closely from 1:30 to 1:40--Only Takes Seconds), also you can check out other video's because some bucks re-act differently but closely.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=en ... OqWys&NR=1
Well, I don't know. It all seemed the same to me (Flopsy being bred this time and when Flopsy and Mopsy were bred a little over a month ago). The only difference is last time Mopsy got pregnant and Flopsy didn't. This time I put Flopsy back in Peter's cage later that night but she growled and swatted at him every time he got near her.