Date and Time Confussion

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Well-known member
Nov 20, 2012
Reaction score
Spingville, California
Recently I purchased the Evan's software for keeping rabbit records and today I am entering the wieghts of some of my Rabbits. I want to get a 8 and 10 week wieght to try to determine growth rates. As you all know I am new to raiseing rabbits and would like as much feed back on this topic as possible including other important dates for record keeping...So here is where I am getting confussed, in the process of determining a date on the calender if I add the weeks together I get one date, but if I add days or months together I get a whole different date all together, so botttom line, should a 8 week rabbit be wieghed at 8 weeks or 60 days (2 months).

8 weeks = 56 days
2 months = 60 days