Critique my rabbits(2)?

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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2013
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I know my bunnies are young, but my first ARBA show is coming up on the 26 and we are going to get our feet wet, no big hopes.

This is my dutch doe she is 10 weeks old. I have had her for a month now. She is very tame and friendly.



She is losing some baby fuzz so she is kind of patchy. She handles very well.

This is my new mini rex doe that I am picking up tomorrow. She is pedigreed and from show lines, she is 6ish weeks old I believe. I know both are really young for shows but we are going to get a feel for how things work




Thank you for your thoughts :)
Please, don;t be exposaing those babies in a shoiw until they get a bit bigger and stringer, immune system-wise...
I Like the coloring of the mini rex-- but she needs to fill out her coat a bit-- I see damage from possibly other littermates.. You;ll need to practice a bit posing them-- I think you are not doing either one justice--
When one is showing a really popular breed- of any species- you have to be super particular about getting everything 'just so' in order to be noticed by the judge.

Good luck at the show-- happy learning...
My suggestion with your Mini Rex, unless you have experience raising them at that age and know the risk, to see if the breeder will hold onto it until 8 weeks. 6 weeks isn't always bad, but they are more susceptible to upset tummies and such from stress at that age. I personally won't sell until 8 weeks, just to be on the safe side.

Otherwise,They both look nice,but just need maturity. Their heads will probably take a while to really come in. Your dutch looks like it has good markings. The stops look to go a little bit farther back on the hind feet, but i'm sure that's not a make or break. Markings aren't easy with raising dutch. I would only suggest possibly leaving your Mini Rex at home or in a carrier at the show. It's going to just be very,very young.

Generally, the best time to show a jr is right before it becomes a sr. I'll show occasionally at 4 months, but I've noticed it's a waste of money.(Some lines also develop slower/faster) Some judges here ,I feel, use the youngster sometimes as an excuse to just say "Young and promising just lack of maturity". Well that's what I'm thinking too! I want to see if they see something, I don't and if the comment is consistent. I think all rabbits could have comments said about them, but judges just don't always do what you want them to.<br /><br />__________ Sun Jan 06, 2013 9:46 am __________<br /><br />Shows are really fun though and I try to just not bring too much money....I find myself buying too much LOL
Thanks. I am just learning about ARBA showing. The pictures of the Rex are from the breeder I did not pose her and I have never.shown a Dutch.

They are both young and need work. Thanks for the feedback. We will probably go to the show still just to experience it but if the Rex isn't ready I.won't take her. My Dutch goes everywhere with me like a dog.<br /><br />__________ Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:41 pm __________<br /><br />Her coat is much lighter in the pictures. I am.very excited.about her.
I like your Mini Rex a lot, shows promise but at 6 weeks it is not always set in stone....they tend to have a gawky teenage type stage. I agree with not showing until older, it probably doesn't make the 2 pound minimum required to show, mine that are 5 weeks are just over a pound. Good luck, looks like you are off to a good start!!
Thank you! I will take some better pictures, and no sadly I don't think she is going to make min weight but my dutch should. I am def taking her, she is hard to spook. Not skittish at all, very healthy, will let anyone handle her... She is still young and in that "teenage" phase but the entry fee is only like 3$. I am pretty sure showing wont bother her at all, she has a very outgoing personality.

But Paisley (MR) will probably stay home, she just got here and is very shy right now. We will see.

I REALLY wish I could find some pedigree meat rabbits in my price range... So far I have found some 50-100$ but I just can't do that right now. Got to save up some more :)
Sometimes it is nice to get the feedback from judges to make sure you are on the right track and for $3 it is not financially difficult :D I don't know a thing about Dutch or I would give you my two cents.
Don't be mistaken and think that handleability will win you any shows. As long as it doesn't attack and bite the judge, or flail about and refuse to be posed, its temperament means nothing. Its all about the type, the fur and the markings. Have someone at the show demonstrate how to pose them and show you whats right and wrong with them. Also do your self a huge favor and buy a standard of perfection book from the vendor. It will help you learn about your breed. Especially dutch. It has some good marking diagrams to explain dutch markings.
Thank you. I know handling does not win shows, I was referring to her being spooked or scared by the judge since she is so young

I definitely plan to buy that SOP book!! I am learning, looking for a NZ bunny now. They are so expensive.
I totally understand! It took me years to bring myself to buy that first 100$ rabbit. Sheesh! I though it was highway robbery. I know better now. Expect to pay 50$ at least for a quality specimen of nearly any breed.
I have a couple more pictures. Could someone please tell me what I need to change with posing? The dutch is a mess, she is molting and was not cooperating today and I have never delt with dutch other than having her as a pet, how should they pose?



Do I have her posed correctly?

The rex and the dutch, not a clue what I am doing with the dutch lol