I received my official show report and my Cream D'Argent doe Alice got two certificates for legs. :happy2: There were three exhibitors. I am very happy. Looking forward to the next show just need to figure when that is. :hmm:
I don't have the money to travel at this time. Too bad would of been fun to go.<br /><br />__________ Fri May 10, 2013 9:35 pm __________<br /><br />I posted on a facebook rabbit group about my doe and I might have found the owner. She said that it was her kids breeding and they were to be returned to her if not butchered. Hope she is willing to give me a pedigree.
I wonder whose bright idea it was to call them "legs"? No matter how many times I hear someone say, "my rabbit has three legs," I always get a mental image of a bunny hopping round with only three legs.
I wonder whose bright idea it was to call them "legs"? No matter how many times I hear someone say, "my rabbit has three legs," I always get a mental image of a bunny hopping round with only three legs.
The only thing I could ever come up with was that it is a journey to earn a grand championship, and each journey has different legs, or stages. In the case of the GC, each win represents a leg of the journey.