Corid Dosage

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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2012
Reaction score
Eastern Canada
I've never used Corid or anything similar, so just want to be sure that I'm doing this properly. It's powder, 20%. It says that I can either add it to their drinking water or give it as a drench. Which would be best? Would it be better to give it as a drench just to be sure that they're getting the entire dosage? Can I treat babies (they're 5-6 weeks old), nursing moms (with a 2 week old litter) and pregnant does? Should I use the preventative dosage or treatment? I've lost a few babies at around 5-7 weeks old in my last two rounds of litters, but I'm not sure if it was the food or coccidia. I see a lot of extra cecals with my adults, and the babies passed very suddenly - totally healthy their entire lives, then they have a bum wet with diarrhea and die shortly after. I mostly want to treat them just to make sure that it's not the problem.

So, just in their drinking water or drench? What is the dosage for either, preferably per liter if possible since that's what I use to water my bunnies. If you can only provide gallons, that's fine too. Any info would be so helpful! I'm clueless as you can probably tell. :roll:
Thank you! Would anyone know how to get a much smaller dosage? I'm awful at math. I want to give it to them as a drench, since it will be harder to make sure that they're getting the full dosage in the drinking water. I only have 10 adult rabbits and 9 babies, so I don't want to mix up a bunch that would be wasted.

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