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Staff member
Dec 26, 2009
Reaction score
near London, Ontario
Two broken lop does housed together. Decided to separate them three weeks ago as I had a cage space open up. These are three month old does. Just double-checked records....they are now both four months old.

Today I come in to tuffs of fur on the bottom of ones cage. I go HUH?
I give her a nestbox as it's no biggie to do so and she's looking for something to dig in.

Check the other lop. Still appears to be a doe...though it's a bit elongated so not quite normal...but no testes, no penis. For all intents and purposes appears female. AND when checks kicks a bit like does are apt to do if they are wanting to be bred....

So I'm still going HUH?

I suppose in another 2-7 days (i think) i'll know more of what's going on with them. Could the one be a split penis kid I just not know it due to NEVER having seen one before? Just rather odd....

Or does anyone have any other suggestions as to what might be going on?

it's a new one on me.
MaggieJ":2vi6l10w said:
Just a guess... but could one doe mounting the other produce a false pregnancy?

Yep. I've seen it happen more than once. And usually in the spring when hormones are running high anyway.

I'd put my money on Maggie's theory :lol:
When Does are housed together there will be
constant mounting as they mature as a show of dominance.
This often leads to false pregnancy.
That is why it is not a good idea to house Does together
once they hit two months of age. If you are not planing
to use them as breeders neutering would be your best bet.
Planning to breed them in the future, give them their own cage.
As always, JMPO.
Ottersatin. :eek:ldtimer:
well...I don't know as I've certainly never had it before. I"ve often housed young does in pairs until they hit about 6 months or so in age. These are just baby holland lops yet... certainly didn't seem old enough to have issues with each other.

But we'll wait her out. Chances are...false pregnancy and we'll just let her settle again. But I didn't see mounting behaviour with them at all. They were still acting like baby bunnies when I separated them and both sulked when separated.
The tufts of hair could also come from one doe bullying the other.
they are separated. have been so for three weeks. so not possible to bully. when I put the nestbox in she got right to work rearranging and pulling tufts of fur. So ... we'll wait her out. :)
Was there a buck in the next cage? I heard that sometimes a doe can be bred through the cage.
so far she's built a lovely nest... does not want me anywhere near it, but other than that, acts like a perfectly normal junior. Acting more mature than her counterpart, but still mostly acts like a junior HL. :) and no bucks anywhere near here. Next door was a young polish doe who doesn't play well with others. (and never has).