A black self chin looks just like any other black. The only difference you might see is in the eyes, which could be normal brown, or anything from light steel gray to startling blue, or mottled.So he is a self black chin?

The kits above are both from the same litter, both parents are chins. The left kit is a black chin, the one on the right is a black self chin. Both were born jet black, but the left kit had a light belly, inner ears and eye rings, while the kit on the right was born with black belly and no agouti markings.
Your kit does not seem to be jet black, the color seems more sepia, which does seem to have some sort of sable background. Sable (seal is double sable) is recessive to chin, and dominant over Californian/Himalayan/pointed white and albino red (ruby) eyed white (REW). What other colors are in the pedigree?