no Cal is not actually Albin-ized it's Himi-nized
there are 5 or 6 "C" alleles, more than on any other color locus.
from most dominant to most recessive it is
C -full color
chd - dark chinchilla which combined with agouti gives you chinchilla
chm - is medium chinchilla & I believe that it is what gives you sable. I'm not as familiar with this one as all the others.
chl- some people talk about the light chinchilla
gene.Again, I'm not familiar with it.
ch - is the himi gene. this is the one that gives you Californian or Himalayan.
c - is the albino gene it's what gives you REW when paired with itself. It is recessive to all the other color genes
If you pair up these various "color" genes the any heterozygous animal [on that has 2 different alleles of this trait] will show the one that is the more dominant. The other gene will be hidden since is is recessive. Actually this isn't totally true because some there are "shades" that happen with some of the "pointed" animals that I don't know a lot about either.