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I think it's very pretty! I really like it!

I think you could improve upon it by adding posed pictures to your website. I see some people try to pose their rabbits on buckets and stuff, but I try to use a simple, professional background. I am more likely to not overlook a rabbitry based on their pictures. I can really make or break it for me! IMPO

I do need to clean up my rabbitry website because I have to get a new grooming table, but I'm OCD and I like there to be a uniform look on the website. Right now I'm just using a basic wire hanging table while I hunt for my next table, but I try to keep the same background in the meantime.

I really like yours because it is short,sweet, and to the point! :) Well done!
Thanks for the compliments and advice! My biggest problem is that I'm terrible at posing... maybe I'll try tomorrow and post pictures on the forum for feed back.
Nice website. I couldn't see the pic of the doe, nor were there any pics of the babies for sale. Pics always help to sell.

My own personal opinion is that the redundancy of the babies being born black on each one is unnecessary and wordy. Anyone who knows about silver fox knows they are born black and grow silvering later. If you get blue or chocolate, you can always say that on that particular rabbit.

Everything else was well written, properly spelled and punctuated and used good grammar. That is a pet peeve of mine. Yours was refreshing.

May I ask who you are using to provide the website service? I need to make one, but this is about as far as my creativity on a computer goes. Do you like who you are using? Is it expensive? I like that there were no pop up ads.
Thanks! I'm not sure why you couldn't see the doe picture... I'll look into that. I'm posting the babies' pics today, hopefully. And I'll change the kits description. :)
I use I have a free account, which has limited space and limited apps that you can add... but I don't use even an eighth of the available apps.
Very nicely done! Every time I see a new website I think "I need to do that!"... but I never do. :roll:

You have etc. spelled ect. throughout however. The only other typo I found was here, where you so nicely recommend RT:

Thank you! RabbitTalk hosts our blog. In addition, the RabbitTalk community is extremely encouraging and supportive of small rabbitry like ours. The RabbitTalk community has answered our endless questions when we were just starting out, and continues to provide insightful advice. We recommend for every rabbit raiser to visit!

It should be plural- rabbitries.

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