Charleston rabbit show August 4th

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Well-known member
May 28, 2012
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South Florida
Hey all I was wondering if anyone from the forum was making the trip to the show coming up August 4th at the Fairgrounds in Ladson? I've heard there's a good turn out every year. I've never been but I am going to make the trip 500+ miles to check it out and show a couple Havana's and possibly pick up a few too.
If everything goes well between now and then, im going to attend. I have one angora buck that i didn't shave for summer, since he was clipped about a month ago he only has on inch of growth, and im hoping he will do well in the heat. If he does i will be showing him and a couple of jersey woolies that day. It would be my first show.
Right now, I'm planning on attending. At least I've got it penciled on the calendar. The catalog is posted to the ARBA website also for those that might be interested. I'll be showing Tans.
Getting list(s) together now. Hotel booked and addresses in GPS. I am excited (I am sure wife will be glad to get rid of me for a few days too :lol: ). I've heard different reports from there being a few hundred to a few thousand rabbits there. So if you see me make sure you say hello.
I sent my entry in last night. I'm planning on going down Friday, but coming back Saturday after the C show. It's going to be a long day Saturday!. I'm looking forward to it.
Trip was good. I met up with Lastfling and his tans. Was a good turn out over 500 rabbits were there. It did seemed like the A/C was NOT able to keep up with the heat so it got warm in there. I was able to pick up some Blue Havana's from a SC breeder. I did not get any BOB or BOS, but did get several 1st,& BOV. I did enter the Jr Blue Buck I picked up in the B & C show. He was a little under weight(he was to be atleast 2 1/2 lbs) but none of the Judges weighed him. But he was only one is class so I was able to get Judges comments. They all really liked him and so did my fellow Havana breeders. Looks like a interesting future for him.
TNelson, often times the AC not quite keeping up has as much to do with people going into and out of the building on a repetitive basis. That, more than anything lets out cold air and replaces it with warm air, and the system works its butt off trying to bring the temperature back down.

Another part of it is setting the system's thermostat too low. Let's face it, the temperature does not need to be less than 75-degrees for it to be comfortable.
Yep, got to meet TNelson and share some rabbit talk! The Tans were out in force for a Southeastern show. There were 33 in the breed with all four colors represented. The juniors ruled. As I had mostly seniors this go round I did respectable with some top 5's in several varieties but couldn't compete with the juniors. I did get a BOSV with a Sr black buck, and I'm thinking earned his 3rd leg which should give me my first home grown GC. Before I get too stoked though, I'm going to wait for the official show results to arrive in the mail. As TNelson said, it did get a little warm in the afternoon. All in all, it was a nice show with a lot of rabbits, good food, and friendly folk. The trip home went a lot better and faster than the trip down. There was no 10 mile long traffic jam to contend with on the way back.
Glad you all had a good time and congrats on the placements =)

I feel for poor Bruce (the rabbit vender) He made it up our way to give us our order at 11:30pm.
more automatic watering supplies, resting mats and feeders since I bought 12 more cremes.
Wish they would have a show like that in the North West, preferably Boise since its only 2 hrs away LOL
Lastfling":3ersgcam said:
Cindi Davis":3ersgcam said:
Wish they would have a show like that in the North West

How do you mean?

Same as here in Arkansas. I travel outside this state for every show I attend outside of the annual State Fair in Little Rock, and the ASF is rinky dink in comparison to a real club show. The rest of my shows are a minimum of 300 miles each way, and a few (Peoria, Sedalia, Bloomington, Altamont) are in excess of 400 miles each way. By the time a person factors in the cost of gas, meals, a night's stay in a motel, entries, etc., it turns into a real financial headache for families on tight budgets, either financially or time-wise.

There's one "local" club here in the state whose shows are a mere 275 miles one way for me, but after what they pulled with the National Champagne Club's spring national specialty show back in the spring, I suspect their days are rather shortly numbered.

If there are no local clubs, you're often forced to travel longer distances to make show dates, and in states which are as spread out geographically as WA, OR, ID, UT, and MT, I can only guess that can be a really big challenge. True enough, if she lives in western WA or OR, it's not as big of a deal because there are plenty of clubs in that region. In the eastern half of that state, that is a very different story. I say all that having driven through much of the Northwestern US.

Cindi, does that sound about right?
I was thinking that may be what was being referred too. Thanks for the explanation. I'm fortunate to live in an area with reasonably close proximity to a good many shows. I do travel a bit to reach some of them, but nothing like the distances that might be encountered in the west. The Charleston show was a 4.5 hr trip, but going down it was 6 hrs due to traffic. I guess for me, 1.5 to 2 hrs is about the average distance to travel, some shorter, some longer. A lot depends upon the show / and number of shows. I'll travel farther for a triple, etc., at least I feel I'm getting more bang for the buck. :)
Yea the closes show to me is 175 miles to Bartow,FL the other show is DeLand which is a 200 one way trip and if the new club starts having regular shows in Ocala that will be a 250 mile trip. The Charleston show was about 525 miles one way, plus hotel. I am prepared for 1 show and the occasional two shows a month. Luckily the Charleston show is a once a year thing. Not to mention for 2013 I'll have the Havana National in Illinois and the ARBA convention in Harrisburg, PA.