Causes of my unexpected short hiatus......

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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2011
Reaction score
Western Michigan
So............I was gone for like a week there. Didn't expect to be. It just happened.

I did something silly, left my laptop in Canada. My ex had to mail it back to me. :roll: Whoops. I couldn't figure out how to post on the forum on my phone (I mean I know I CAN, I just don't know HOW yet) and anyways, haven't been up to much internetting due to headaches.

About a week or so ago, I had either a minor hemorrhage, or a minor cerebrovascular accident, aka a "mini stroke." It was scary, my vision cut out on my right side, it was crazy painful, and left me dizzy and lightheaded. Waiting on a consult from a neurologist. :x

So yeah! I will slowly catch up on things here, LOL, but if I'm more flaky than usual, that's why. :p
:shock: So... what I've heard called a TIA? Transient Ischemic Attack? Wow... hope you don't have to wait too long for that consult!
Oh my goodness, Kyle! I hope everything turns out to be ok, and nothing too major! Let us know! Crossing fingers for you! :clover:
Yikes! So sorry about the laptop and your health! Praying that you're back to 100% in no time!
Oh no! I hope your ok. That sounded scary! Your in our thoughts and prayers that all will be ok! :)
I hate to be the one to say this Kyle...

but I think you need to get your head examined! :p ;)

Sorry. :oops:

Couldn't help myself... my rampant wit will insist on rearing its ugly head at the most inappropriate times. :roll:

I hope you can get into the neurologist soon. :clover: I would probably be camping out in the waiting room if that were me.

I hope it is nothing truly serious. If you need to go in for some type of procedure, please arrange to have someone give us updates.
TIA...or mini strokes are excellent warning signs that something is off in your life.

Are you under stress?
Have you had the flu recently?

Hubby had them and MANY docs told him they needed to be taken for the warning that they are....He ended up hospitalized for a week. He'd undergone six months of stress due to a work related issues and then got the flu.... It was NOT a fun time for us at all.

Do take care of yourself. Pet some bunnies! :)
Ouchies! So sorry to hear you've not been doing well Kyle.

*fingers crossed for a quick full recovery*
Aww, thanks guys!!! I feel normal again....for several days I felt so odd and dizzy. :p

The consult is taking foreverrrrrr...having issues with my financial aid. :roll: Nice to know that triage matter less than money these days!!! ;) However they HAVE ruled out their first assumption...I have an anxiety disorder and the first concern is that I've become hypertensive, which caused the attack. Turns out I'm the polar opposite, my blood pressure averages the extreme low end of normal. :)

Miss M":31ywnu66 said:
:shock: So... what I've heard called a TIA? Transient Ischemic Attack? Wow... hope you don't have to wait too long for that consult!

Ischemia is very likely. At this rate they'll never figure it out, I fear, since they've waited over a week to do any form of real diagnostics.

MamaSheepdog":31ywnu66 said:
I hate to be the one to say this Kyle...

but I think you need to get your head examined! :p ;)

Sorry. :oops:

Couldn't help myself... my rampant wit will insist on rearing its ugly head at the most inappropriate times. :roll:

I hope you can get into the neurologist soon. :clover: I would probably be camping out in the waiting room if that were me.

I hope it is nothing truly serious. If you need to go in for some type of procedure, please arrange to have someone give us updates.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :rotfl:

Couldn't agree more. ;)

ladysown":31ywnu66 said:
TIA...or mini strokes are excellent warning signs that something is off in your life.

Are you under stress?
Have you had the flu recently?

Hubby had them and MANY docs told him they needed to be taken for the warning that they are....He ended up hospitalized for a week. He'd undergone six months of stress due to a work related issues and then got the flu.... It was NOT a fun time for us at all.

Do take care of yourself. Pet some bunnies! :)

I have been under PHENOMENAL amounts of stress lately. Trying to figure out how I'll pay for next semester's classes, travel (which is always fun and awesome much as I love my son, it also means living with my ex for a while, which...isn't always easy), issues with my dad (he's laid up badly, damaged one of the intervertebral disks in his neck) as well as some car trouble (all better now), having to deal with the fact that my family has openly declared that discrimination against LGBT people is okay and that I am less of a person because of it, and to top it all off, getting told that my pittance of an unemployment cheque is being reduced by ten per cent........yeah I've been stressing badly before AND after the attack.

I've been trying to relax the last week or so. :) And LOL, my poor Mini Rex, they are constantly being hauled out and squished. ;) :lol:
Kyle@theHeathertoft":1psabu2g said:
my blood pressure averages the extreme low end of normal.
Mine does too! (Actually, mine is usually below normal--as low as 82/40.) And I learned only last week that it's a problem. Doctors had always told me that low blood pressure was good. This new revelation explaining a lot to me about why I'm always lacking energy, as well as the occasional dizzy spell (usually when I get up too quickly).

I've been looking into herbal medicines (trying to get away from pharmaceuticals as much as possible). Schizandra and hawthorn are blood pressure normalizers (will help with both high and low blood pressure). Hubby tends toward high blood pressure, so this will help both of us.
trinityoaks":3adglh0y said:
Kyle@theHeathertoft":3adglh0y said:
my blood pressure averages the extreme low end of normal.
Mine does too! (Actually, mine is usually below normal--as low as 82/40.) And I learned only last week that it's a problem. Doctors had always told me that low blood pressure was good. This new revelation explaining a lot to me about why I'm always lacking energy, as well as the occasional dizzy spell (usually when I get up too quickly).

I've been looking into herbal medicines (trying to get away from pharmaceuticals as much as possible). Schizandra and hawthorn are blood pressure normalizers (will help with both high and low blood pressure). Hubby tends toward high blood pressure, so this will help both of us.

Interesting!!! For other reasons friends have suggested hawthorn before...may have to look into that.
My bff also has extreme low blood pressure and mini strokes. They still aren't sure what's going on with her because nothing shows up on their instruments. Anyway, she nearly killed herself because she had limited salt in her diet, cuz ya know, salt is bad for you. She was only using very small amounts of sea salt. She also needed iodine. Now when she starts to feel slightly off, she has something salty, like tater chips, and it helps immediately. Not sure if you need iodized salt in your diet or not, but it's something to consider. Glad you're feeling better!!
carebear":iae937ty said:
My bff also has extreme low blood pressure and mini strokes. They still aren't sure what's going on with her because nothing shows up on their instruments. Anyway, she nearly killed herself because she had limited salt in her diet, cuz ya know, salt is bad for you. She was only using very small amounts of sea salt. She also needed iodine. Now when she starts to feel slightly off, she has something salty, like tater chips, and it helps immediately. Not sure if you need iodized salt in your diet or not, but it's something to consider. Glad you're feeling better!!

The salt thing got mentioned..........I never use salt on anything unless a recipe calls for it, and they were all worried about my salt intake.................until I reminded them that I live on Coke Zero and the sodium in there is like twice the daily needed amount. ;) Just had my thyroid tested, too, in case of iodine issues.........totally normal. :)

So thus far, no idea. :lol:
I'LL be praying for a quick and full recovery.
man I'm glad your still around to tell us about this.
get well soon. keep us posted so we know how and what to pray for you.
Aw, Kyle, so sorry for the drama-filled life you are having to deal with lately! If I could, I would send you some extra luvbunnies! All they want is for someone to hold them and pet them!

And, if there was any way I could run you down here for a little R & R with some folks that won't ask any more from you than that you decompress and recharge, I would in a heartbeat!