Can newborns die of bloat? *GRAPHIC*

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Well-known member
May 24, 2012
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Last night I checked the babies, all seemed fine, but a few hours later, I found a dead kit in the nest. It was still sloppy with a puffy belly, not at all like the few kits I've had that died of milk deprivation. :? It sounded airy when I tapped on it. I didn't feel like messing with dead ones right then, so I just gave it to the dog.

Then I found a chilled kit lost in the nest this morning. I warmed it up and put it back, and after a while I flipped the doe so the skinny chilled one could eat, but he was too weak. I checked the nest right after she fed her litter, and I noticed his belly was puffy with the hollow airy sound. I tapped a couple other kits bellies to see if theirs sounded the same, but nope. Couple hours later, the kit died, so I pulled it open to have a look, and just as I'd thought, it's stomach is all full of air.

I've not had tiny baby kits die like this before (or any, for that matter), and two at once is making me wonder what's up. :/ There's been no change of feed for the mammas and I'm using the same nesting materials I usually use. The only thing unusual lately is a whole lot of smoke from all the fires.


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I have heard that overfed kits can have the milk curdle in their stomachs in hot weather, but don't know if that is actually accurate. I see a bit of milk in the stomach, but there certainly doesn't seem to be enough to cause a problem.

Did you notice anything "off" about any of the other organs?

Sorry about the lost kits. :(
@OBTB; no, I don't think so...although I DID get a waterballon kit last litter an awful lot like that! x___x Attaching pic of it.

@MSD; The two that have died hadn't had much to eat. Nothing seemed any odder than the bloated belly, but there were chickens shrieking at me and I didn't take a real good look. x:


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Mum thinks organ failure because of the smoke, but wouldn't that result in fluid build up? :?
Poor things :( We lost a herd buck randomly to a ruptured intestine/gas and hadn't shown any signs of discomfort and acting perfectly normal the day before. I haven't had any other issues otherwise in my rabbits except a minor case of wool block that we seemed to has gotten past.

Just might be one of those cases that you can only shrug and scratch your head. Sanitize everything!
I try to keep extra bags of the better stuff on hand, but sometimes I run out and have to settle for the stuff down the road. The town I get my usual feed from is...a long ways away. x~x

The other rabblets are all doing good, all fat and happy. :3


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Sorry to hear of your loss. Last week we lost 6 out of 9 week-old kits in a litter. Fine the night before, dead in the morning. They just looked bloated and uncomfortable, for the most part. I did not take pictures as I was too upset at the moment... One of their siblings still seems to be doing poorly, not fat and happy like the other two, so it makes me wonder if it was some sort of communicable disease rather than milk curdling (yes, it was hot and this litter was very well-fed). However, I had just got in a new bag of different feed... I guess in short I'm just trying to say that sometimes kits die. I will try in the future not to swap feeds during lactation, just in case, but I don't think there's anything else that can be done.

I'm so sorry Nyctra! I have never seen this before. Poor little kits! :(
I had two kits have that squishy and bloated belly, they were weaker/smaller, all died within days of birth. But I chalked up the bloatedness to them starting to decay. No idea what could of caused it, never cut any open...

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