Calf Manna

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There undoubtedly are problems from time to time with processed pet foods. It seems to me that the companies that produce them should take the same precautions as companies that produce processed foods for humans. But they don't. :(

One of the reasons I went natural with my rabbits (my poultry has always had natural or organic feed) was the problems that occurred with certain rabbit pellets here in Ontario in 2006 or thereabouts. About the same time, I found out that the brand of pellets I was feeding the rabbits contained animal tallow. I was already interested in the possibilities of natural feeding, but those two factors caused me to step up my transition to natural foods for the buns. I have never regretted it.

I do worry about Marilla, the cat whose picture is my avatar. She is more precious to me than all my other animals combined... but she is also very set in her ways and prefers canned cat food or kibble to natural meat. I wish I could transition her to a natural diet, but cats are so finicky... I do worry though. do realize that the only reason Marilla won't eat natural meat is because you want her to, right? If you stop worrying about her, and just say "okay cat. eat poison. I don't care" she'll meow a few times, clean her paws, then go out and kill some mice for dinner :lol: (she'll probably present the mice to you first to cook, tho...don't give in! Just mince them for her so she doesn't feel totally neglected)
LOL, Ann... You're probably right. She will eat cooked turkey or canned tuna quite happily (she gets those as treats when we have them) but she doesn't seem to get it that RAW MEAT is her natural diet. But yeah, I know she likes to mess with my head. Well, she's a CAT... can't expect anything else, can you?

She's a good mouser, but once they are dead she has no further interest in them. She doesn't seem to understand why dead mice don't want to "play" anymore. :shrug:
I had a black male cat like that once. Kilte absolutely would NOT eat anything other than multivitamin in a can, and it had to be the ground/processed kind. You could put the chunk stuff in his bowl, but he would literally let it sit until it rotted and the stench drove you to change it to the stuff he ate.
And I'll point out this is OT
so on the OT, what part of Ontario are you from, My sis in law is from the place Jumbo the elephant got ran over, and the wedding was in stratford upon avon, in Shakespeare park
I've always lived within walking distance of Lake Ontario. I grew up in Scarborough when it was still a separate community from Toronto and moved 100 miles east about 10 years ago. Our nearest large town is Trenton, which just happens to be my mother's home town. This apple didn't fall far from the tree, did it?
MaggieJ":12homotl said:
:oops: Oops... Sorry, Terry! I guess I really hijacked your thread. :frypan:
WHAT? Hi, Jack?
This is YOUR forum,,,,HEY JACK!!!!!You've been HIJACKED!!!

OOPS :lol:
Ha-ha! :lol:

Hijack. Hi, Jack! :rotfl:

My mom's name was Jean. In school she had a teacher who couldn't resist saying "hygiene" (which is what they called "health class" in those days) as "Hi, Jean". She was a shy kid and it really embarrassed her. :oops:

Now there's another tangent for you, Terry!
My husband's name is Lee...he often accidentially answers to "finally", "actually", "suddenly", and other adverbs of that sort.

"Quietly" is especially fun.
Yeah, REEL funny
try saying that going through the TSA lines, the search gets really annoying by the third time.
MaggieJ":2qvlea4k said:
Ha-ha! :lol:
Now there's another tangent for you, Terry!

I really hated tangents in math and physics classes-- they really threw me off :rotfl: :rotfl:

__________ Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:58 pm __________

Jack said:
Yeah, REEL funny
Only in the movies, dear!
Purinas answer to Calf Manna is called Animax, I've used it in the past. Jacks suggestion about feeding in a separate crock is right on, greedy things will dig to find it otherwise. I've used it on lactating does, bucks I'm trying to condition and normally only in the cold or cooler months, I watch what I feed in the summer. I also feed some BOSS and sweet feed in the winter, never when it warms up, its just too hot of a feed. Young rabbits can have intestinal problems with Calf Manna so I only give it to adults. I don't know anything about the Manna foods being owned by Purina, I do know that Purinas rabbit pellet formulas have been problematic for many breeders including me and the Manna formulas have been great. Calf Manna is a fine product when used carefully, its rich and can put weight on quickly. My does really love it, smells like licorice.
I know that every rabbit in my barn is waiting on their teaspoon of calf manna when I feed it in the morning, and the only rabbit that doesn't get any of it is Sid. The rest of them eat their calf manna like it's candy.

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