Bunny Menu when You're "on the lam"

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Aug 11, 2014
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Idabel, OK
Back during the spring my 3 and 5 year olds left my growout cage door open. I was able to catch all but 1 of them. It's still loose and I see it every now and then, a chocolate Rex cross. Near by rabbit cages is a ditch that was starting to wash and had a brush pile thrown into it. Perfect bunny hiding territory. My small garden is also near and I've been paying attention to what this rabbit chooses to eat from the plants.

1) Broccoli! This was the number #1 food of choice. It completely ate several plants. I was a bit surprised by this choice but given a conversation we had earlier about the sulphur amino acids, it may have been chosen for that reason. I only had a few broccoli plants and they are gone now.

2) Cantaloupe vines I saw quite a few nibbles in these even before the broccoli was gone and now it is even more interested.

3) Okra and Comfrey After the broccoli was gone I started seeing nibbles on these. I was surprised today to see an entire comfrey leaf that had been eaten.

4) Tomato plants (very little)

My sunflower plants haven't been touched as far as I can see. It may be that the best leaves are just too high to reach. I grew a bit of Sorghum just for fun and that wasn't touched either although my caged rabbits enjoyed eating leaves and the seed heads after I harvested it.

Anyway, I just thought these were interesting observations and I wanted to share. The rabbit also eats grass and other weeds since it hasn't completely decimated my small garden. Although I haven't been able to catch it for a good comparison, on the run, it isn't noticeably smaller than my other growouts that were raised on pellets.
I have noticed that both wild cottontails and domestic rabbits like tomato plants when they are young. Once they get some good growth, they leave them alone.

I had a recent on-the-lam rabbit also and Hubs accused it of eating our bell peppers... but I am not certain, it may be tomato worms that are the culprits. Or chickens. The chickens have proven to be excellent escape artists. :roll:
wamplercathy":odu7ow40 said:
Well to catch the little bugger all you need is broccoli and a live trap. :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: I was going to put out a live trap after it cools off a bit and food gets a bit scarce but hadn't thought of using broccoli as the bait. :lol: :lol:
If you get it from the store I would advice giving it a vinegar bay before allow the little bugger to eat it. My Aunt got some dandelion leaves at the store for her bearded dragons. The female snub it and the male ate his and her ratios. The next morning he was so ill he couldn't move and by that evening had past. My Aunt had been feeding the stuff from the yard to them and cleaned it thoroughly, because she didn't know what could be on it. The stuff from the store, she thought was safe, was just rinsed well and then feed to them. She was heartbroken.

http://www.aprettylifeinthesuburbs.com/ ... ggie-wash/
Fill a sink halfway with lukewarm water.
Add 1 cup of white vinegar.
Add your fruit. Don’t over fill your sink with fruit.
Soak for about 10 minutes (shorter for berries – about 2 – 5 minutes).
Rinse well.

The Result: Clean. Fruit.

I do this for all greens I pick for my buns.
MamaSheepdog":3o2yf9ax said:
I had a recent on-the-lam rabbit also and Hubs accused it of eating our bell peppers... but I am not certain, it may be tomato worms that are the culprits. Or chickens. The chickens have proven to be excellent escape artists. :roll:

I have one on the lam right now, and her #1 chice from my garden is green pepper plants. :shock: At two to the stems. She also is camping out under one of the shriveled tomato bushes (we.'re getting to the end of April-planted crops andI'llbe putting in winter crops probably this weekend.) She lays there, waiting/ looking for fallen cherry tomatoes to munch on.
Went out this morning and found that I had forgot to latch one of the does cages. :x :oops:

But no escapes. They are all now securely :locked: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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