Buck/doe housing proximity question

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Mtn folk

New member
Dec 28, 2013
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I decided it was time to breed my NZW does.
My arrangement is 8 36x36 wire cages. They are hanging with 4 on top and 4 hanging directly below. Side to side they are connected, top to bottom there is about a foot separation with an angled dropping shield to keep the bottom cages clean. I have my breeders on top with the bucks on the ends and the does in the middle. Sheet metal partitions are between the cages but only about 2/3 the height of the cage. Up until now, they rarely paid any attention to one another. After breeding yesterday, the bucks are doing a lot of thumping, and standing on their hind legs to peek over the sheet metal. I'm starting to think I should transfer the bucks downstairs.

My question is it generally a bad practice having my peeping Tom bucks so close to my does when they kindle? Thanks in advance.
I've had it both ways and in my experience I had greater success breeding when the buck was right next to the doe. There were never any problems while kindling or anything.
I have two bucks in the same room with my three does. The two does that kindled this past weekend are right next to the one buck. Their is a four inch space between the cages on either side so no "accidents" can occur. One doe chose to nest as close to the buck's cage as she could get. The other just ignored him. They can see each other at all times. Doesn't seem to bother them in the least.
Yeah, as long as there is a gap between the buck and doe's cages, you're good. I had some issues with breeding through the wire(I thought it was a myth), so no longer house bucks next to does. I actually have 3/4 of my bucks outside, with the remaining buck by himself in the bathroom. I don't like having them anywhere near each other because I find it makes the bucks more thumpy and more inclined to spray.
Have never had a problem with bucks being next to does at any stage. From babies to kindling mothers. But my set up is different.

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