The commercial fiber isn't as nice as the stuff produced by the English angoras. The commercial folks use a different breed which has just a tiny bit harsher fiber and then it is sheared off the rabbit instead of plucked. Plucked English angora is supposed to be some of the absolute best fiber you can get your hands on for spinning. No second cuts, no sheared ends and a lot less shedding in the final yarn or garment, plus it's incredibly soft with no prickly ends. The commercial rabbits do produce a whole lot more fiber, though, which is probably why the commercial folks don't use the English angora. Plus keeping the ear and head furnishings tidy is additional work.
The English angoras here are bred to shed, I don't want them to have that long "show" coat. They get plucked or sheared about every three to four months although a few of them will keep their hair on them for rabbit shows. Between the shows, though, they get plucked. Mine barely have enough hair on them to enter the shows.
At the show, they are supposed to be judged on the density of their wool, not the length. After three inches (or whatever the required length is to get into the show) the judges aren't supposed to give any more points to the rabbit on the length of wool. However, English angoras (and probably the other breeds of angora as well) have multiple coats on them. They will have a set of guard hair, then the wool coat underneath and there are several wool coats growing out. If the first coat hasn't been sheared off and the rabbit doesn't shed, then the second and third coat can come in and the wool will be very dense since it's triple thick. Still, if there is a rabbit with a ten inch long coat up against a rabbit with a three inch coat, more than likely the rabbit with the longer coat will win. But, that's okay, the rabbits here are for producing fiber not bringing home ribbons. Their littermates win Best in Show, that's good enough for me and a lot less work, too.
The bunnies can still move around even with all that hair on them. They look like little floating clouds when they jump and run around and it's fun to watch. They do get all happy after a haircut, though. They wiggle and bounce. It's probably like taking off a winter coat and running around in a bikini. Hmm, I should probably be out grooming bunnies instead of inside online, come to think of it.