OK so several months ago we found a bunny that was abandoned in a field next to our house (the second one in 6 months) The first bunny is she and sweet and will lick you face, the second one is rather outgoing, he runs around the house with the dogs and cats (humps the cat) I think thats a dominate thing. chases chickens in the yard. he demands attention from me all the time. I mean no one else gets his weird behavior. When I let him out he chases me all around the house. If I stop moving he runs circles around my feet, If I sit he jumps in my lap, nips if I dont pet him. pees on the couch where I sit if I am not there, when outside he will do a drive by pee on my shoes and pants. If I am working in the garden he sits right next to me, If I dig with a shovel he digs away, if I put a stick to mark my seeds he pulls it out. If I leave the back door open while going in and out he chases after me in and out, almost getting stepped on because he is running circles. So has anyone one else had this, and what is with the peeing, on me, on my spot on the couch. He is acutally my favorite animal in the house I adore him.