Baby Can't Move Back Legs

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2013
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I'm back with more baby questions!

I have 3 Silver Fox kits that are 11 days old now. Everyone was doing great until I went out to check on them today. I found one of the babies out of the nestbox. I picked it up to put it back and noticed it can't move it's back legs.

Is this most likely an injury or is there a disease that causes this? I decided I'd give him until tomorrow to see if there is anything I can do for him. I'd have to have to put him down.
There as a similar thread recently....

I have had small animals recover from spinal injuries. As I've said before sometimes it's just swelling and after 5-7days it will go down and they will steadily regain ability to move. You have to weigh their current quality of life such as damage from dragging part of their body and ability to get food and water versus the odds they might improve.
Okay, I might be able to give him a week. He's still so little, so not moving around too much. And he's still nursing. So food and water shouldn't be too much of an issue.

What signs would you look for to indicate such a young rabbit was in pain? <br /><br /> -- Tue Aug 18, 2015 9:27 am -- <br /><br /> Just got back in from checking on everyone.

The paralyzed baby now has diarrhea. I also found one of the others outside the box, dead. It looked like it had diarrhea as well, and was also in a small puddle of blood, but I didn't see any injuries.

I'd love ideas on what could be going on. None of our adult rabbits have had anything out of the ordinary going on. I hope this is just a terrible coincidence and not something that will continue to spread. We have another litter on the way. It would be very sad to lose them too.
I can't think of a disease that combines paralysis with diarrhea, but it doesn't sound good. I'd probably euthanize the paralyzed kit in hopes of keeping this from spreading and give the remaining kit a fresh nestbox.

Three is a small litter for a silver fox. Were there others that something happened to?

I would quarantine the mother and remaining kit and practice strict isolation procedures. Care for them last and then wash well and change your clothes before going near the healthy rabbits.
Nope, just the three. She's older, probably 3 or 4 and I'm not sure if this was her first litter or just her first litter in a couple years. I'm hoping that between that and the heat that it accounts for the small litter.

I'm home with the kids today, but I'll get my husband to euthanize the little guy when he gets home. Don't really want to take the kids out with me for that.

We're rooting for the one we've got left. It seems to be doing well and is out exploring. Hopefully she beats the odds here.

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