Are you sure they are only fed 2x a day?

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I have a colony with a litter of 7 inside the hutch, they are doing okay but not really fat, maybe because this her biggest litter so far.

On the other hand, i have a doe with litter in the 'shed'. The litter is inside the cage against the wall, the door is open so the doe is roaming free. I haven't seen her hop in to nurse the babies yet. So this is what i do, in the evening i lock her up inside the cage with the litter and let her out again in the morning/afternoon. Everytime i put her and lock her up.. she sits there for a few minutes, looks at the nest and jumps on it to nurse the babies. It seems like she forgets about the litter when is roaming free, until i put her inside the cage, then she remembers the litter because she is forced to sit next to them and that triggers her to nurse them again. It's like she is thinking: "oh sorry sweethearts, i forgot! but now i'm back so here is your milkytime!"

The other doe in the colony doesn't seem to 'forget' about the litter..
I had a mini rex doe that would feed her babies 3-4 times during the day. Her babies were always fat!
Well, now the cam was way too close and the flash washed out the pictures. But again, during the day, I see no


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