Thank you for all of your replies.
Unfortunately my two does just died, they were in a large hutch next to my males hutch (he’s fine), sheltered, clean, lots of bedding, fresh water, food etc.
I found the first dead late afternoon, just lay out like she was sleeping with her sister lay on top of her, she was clean, not even any excrement. And then the other was dead the next morning, same position etc.
Thinking back, the day the first died, my cockerels had been growling like crazy (their enclosure is not far from the rabbits) and the next day when I found the second I noticed fox prints around the area. I didn’t realise they could die just from the sight of a predator. This seems to be the most logical answer, maybe the fox came back and the other died of shock too. What are your thoughts?
Sorry this is a long one! Just gutted and confused. And now I’m going to have to start with younger does again and wait, (going to go with your advice, thank you) and can’t get the same colours either.
Honestly can’t explain how deflated I am about it, they were beautiful girls with such sweet natures. I wish I had hurried and built their colony set up but hadn’t rushed as didn’t want the girls in there before I could add the male as I’ve read the females are very territorial and would likely be aggressive with my buck.
Back to the colony, I still have my standard Rex chocolate otter boy.
I’ve found some opal mini Rex, and also a California/ New Zealand, I have been looking for a New Zealand for easily 6months+ so I am excited about this cross, I don’t know why they’re not as popular over here in the UK.
Question, rabbit colour genetics are taking me a while to get my head around (I’ve managed it with chickens so I’ll get there with the buns.. eventually!) Any idea what colours I could get from an opal cross with chocolate otter?
And if I breed my Rex buck to the cali/NZ cross, if I keep one of her does and breed it back to the Rex buck should their offspring have Rex velvet coats? I’m aiming for a good size for meat and also a larger size pelt with the Rex fur.
Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this babble never mind to reply
Thanks guys, look forward to hearing what you have to say and hopefully you can help