I have both rabbits and chickens. We only have chickens for eggs.
We started with chickens about 2 years ago. We got old layers from an egg farm for $5 each. We built the henhouse out of an old 6'x10' utility trailer that was not road worthy. 2/3 of it is chicken roosts and the back 1/3 is feed storage. We use sand in it instead of hay, although I have grass in the nest boxes. Sand makes cleaning the coop QUICK and EASY. I have a waist high counter under the roosts, covered with sand. I clean it out every day or two, takes about 2 minutes, tops. Keeps the flies down as well, as the poop dries out in the sand. We had the sand and the trailer, and the boards for the roosts (we never throw anything away, so they were super cheap to set up)
The chickens take about 2 minutes a day (avg for cleaning & getting eggs) I made a self-closing feeder that holds about 50 lbs, so I rarely have to do more than pick up eggs and say hi to the girls (who are intensely jealous of the rabbits because they don't get any attention anymore) Every couple weeks I have to refill the feed. They are free range.
Rabbits - we bought out a guy that was getting rid of his rabbits. Our rabbits are housed in 3 metal dog crates and 2 giant cages made from rubbermaid wire shelves. I have heard that can be a problem, but I added 1/4" hardware cloth on the bottom so I think that will solve the 'sore hock' possibility. I would definitely recommend the wire shelving as a quick and VERY secure way to build a hutch. We have tons of coyotes here, and there is always the possibility of a roaming pit bull, although I haven't seen one in this neighborhood. They can both go through hardware cloth, but they can't get through the wire shelving. We have a chain link fence with cover to keep them out, but I have been known to forget to close the gate
The feeders have to be filled, the water bottles (8) have to be taken down, filled & hung, hay boxes filled. I am slowly streamlining things - I now have water bottles that hold a gallon, so I shouldn't have to give water 2x a day. I cut branches, grass or bamboo for them. So, the rabbits DO take more time. BUT I LOVE hanging out with the rabbits. They have been our best investment. They are better than therapy! And not as mean as chickens LOL.
Also I have sold some babies, and they have brought some money to offset the feed costs. We have gotten literally thousands of eggs.
So, rabbits

are more work and more $$ at this point, but well worth it

- even though the chickens

hate it when I say that!