Anyone use a swap cooler in their rabbit barn?

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Well-known member
May 14, 2011
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Now that I have gotten rid of my nasty opportunistic chickens, I will be turning the chicken house into a rabbit barn. It's a octagon building made of square tubing with sheet metal walls/roof and a concrete floor. Each of the 8 walls are 8ft long. I plan to get a swap/evaporative cooler for them but because of the shape and size of the building, I'm a little concerned about the force of the wind blowing from the cooler.

Does anyone use a swap cooler and is the wind draft too much? I'm wondering if we shouldn't close up the window and cut a hole for it that is closer to the ceiling to keep the draft as indirect as possible.
If you have humidity, a swamp cooler won't help. In dry climates, they use a swamp cooler to add moisture to the air before it is blown and that cools it. Where I live in SE Texas it is way too humid to even consider...*sigh*
It's not too humid here. We used to use one in our house. It helped most days. It didn't help on rainy days or really humid days. It was really sticky on those days but but most days it was at least 20 degrees cooler.
Hi Legacy,

Cold air falls, so maybe a baffle to send the air up towards the center of the shed would work? It would need to be something water-proof as a lot of moisture will collect on it, but it should actually keep the place quite cool. I would also consider the moisture that could possibly condense on the metal walls when positioning the cages.
I have a portable AC unit in one section of my barn, and it works fairly well at keeping the temperature in the barn within tolerable limits.