For conversational aspects ARBA has acknowledged and accepted the show reports for all three shows as of today. I am now receiving acknowledgements for the breed sanctions in show A and B.
We do have a new Livestock Director at ASF. His name is Sherman Lites and is being mentored by Bill Dorough ( Eternal Livestock Director
) until he gets up to speed. A big learning curve. Sherman is a Prince of a fellow and not at all adversarial . He and Bill have charged me to improve both the show and relations with exhibitors, AG Teachers, FFA and 4H leaders, Parents and anyone involved with the ASF and rabbits.
My background is similar to some of yours. My first rabbits came at the age of 8. My sons showed rabbits in late 80"s and into the 90's all across the Southern US and Central US. Also in Texas if you want to count it as a state and not a country. I know the cost and it is more than just money. A lot of my very close friends have passed and I will never forget the fun we had at the shows. Let me give you an example. Ken lived in Cotton Town TN and raised Rhinelanders and they were superb. He always greeted us with, "How are you'ns doing?" or some other down to earth greeting. I was working on a Rabbit Auction to benefit "Children's Hospital " and I called and asked if he would donate a pair of his Rhinelanders. No problem. Three weeks later I called to check on pick up and we arranged the date and time. Then he said. "By the way I went to a couple of shows the past weekends and you'll need to bring 25 holes with you to carry all these rabbits home! " He had gathered up donations from 5 other states by people that were interested in helping out. You just never know.
The one thing that I installed at the ASFair is the opening ceremony. Presentation of the US Flag complete with Color Guard. Then the Pledge of Allegiance" and introduction and a brief background of the judges. Introduction of staff and Ambassadors (Purple Shirt Youth) and color guard. For one brief moment we are all united. I tremendously dislike going to a show and the first thing someone yells at me is to get my rabbits on the table. Never thought that was a proper way to greet your guests.
Please remember that we are not adversarial to our exhibitors. WE are the host and have invited you to participate in the ASF, the largest single event held in the state every year. We want to treat you as an honored guest to show the state some of the most beautiful, and versatile creatures there is. Thank you for reading and if I may assist, contact the Fair or reference me in the 2014 rabbit show on line catalog.
Gene Williams
ASF Rabbit Show Superintendent