Curious if anyone else here keeps reptiles
My current reptiles include:
- male beardie
-female crested gecko (recent rescue due to malnourishment and impaction)
- female gargoyle gecko (rescued with above crestie, malnourished and beginning stages of MBD)
- female leopard gecko- high yellow normal 100% het. for Murphy's patternless and Tremper Albino
- 2 Adult Female Kenyan Sand Boas- Anery 100% het albino and a unusual red "normal"
- 3 Neonate KSBs from above Anery female- 2 snows and 1 anery 66% poss het albino
- Adult Rosy Boa- Pima County locale
- Young Rosy Boa- Mexican locale
- Yearling female Dumeril's Boa
- Adult female BCI (Columbian Boa Constrictor)- Pastel 100% het. albino, my biggest snake at 8ft and 20+lbs
- 2yr old male BCI- Sunglow 100% het. genetic stripe
- Adult female ball python
- Adult male Eastern Indigo- Enough said
Those who know about reptiles and this species will understand
Here are a few pictures of different ones:
Scarlett the Dumeril's
Brom the Indigo
Lexus the BCI
Prada the Ball Python
Varin the Sunglow BCI
Squeak the Pima County Rosy
Diego the Mexican Rosy
Fern the adult Anery KSB
Grendie the adult normal KSB
A Snow and Anery baby KSB
My current reptiles include:
- male beardie
-female crested gecko (recent rescue due to malnourishment and impaction)
- female gargoyle gecko (rescued with above crestie, malnourished and beginning stages of MBD)
- female leopard gecko- high yellow normal 100% het. for Murphy's patternless and Tremper Albino
- 2 Adult Female Kenyan Sand Boas- Anery 100% het albino and a unusual red "normal"
- 3 Neonate KSBs from above Anery female- 2 snows and 1 anery 66% poss het albino
- Adult Rosy Boa- Pima County locale
- Young Rosy Boa- Mexican locale
- Yearling female Dumeril's Boa
- Adult female BCI (Columbian Boa Constrictor)- Pastel 100% het. albino, my biggest snake at 8ft and 20+lbs
- 2yr old male BCI- Sunglow 100% het. genetic stripe
- Adult female ball python
- Adult male Eastern Indigo- Enough said
Here are a few pictures of different ones:
Scarlett the Dumeril's

Brom the Indigo

Lexus the BCI

Prada the Ball Python

Varin the Sunglow BCI

Squeak the Pima County Rosy

Diego the Mexican Rosy

Fern the adult Anery KSB

Grendie the adult normal KSB

A Snow and Anery baby KSB