So, there I stood, ready to save hubby. He popped the hood, and a brown blur came barreling out. I had just enough time to recognize it was a rat and ready my weapon to dispatch it when Skeeter's mad fury made it change direction, and it proceeded to run up my leg! I admit I screamed like a girl, because, well, I am one, and I think I set a world record for a standing long jump by a 50ish lady, and off went Mr. Rat, to be quickly dispatched by the dogs. Once I calmed down, I asked my hubby what he was thinking handing me a sharp device like a sling blade, because I am almost sure that if that plague carrying vermin had been on my leg for two more seconds, I would now be known, affectionately of course, as Stumpy.]
:rotfl: :rotfl:
EDIT: just fixed my broken quote