Well-known member
Wow, we just must have some good lines because we never have any issues with them.
Lucky us
Lucky us
akane":2em00530 said:Even if the first generation is fine throwing rew in to broken lines is generally a bad idea. In the future you might end up with rew that you don't know if they are broken or not and every rew takes away from your useful rabbits if you are trying for a certain pattern or color.
MamaSheepdog":1j84frav said:Neville is not a broken. A broken can be a rabbit of any color, with that color randomly "broken" up with white areas.
If Luna's parents are both brokens, she could be a Charlie, but otherwise it is impossible. If Luna is out of two brokens, she could be a Charlie, in which case her entire litter will be brokens, no solids at all.
The broken gene is dominant, so it will always show if a rabbit has it. So even if you bred two solid colored rabbits that had one broken parent each, they will not be able to pass on the broken gene because they don't have it themselves.
skysthelimit":1o5jo7wo said:Torts are in the shaded category, but I won't bother you witht he genetics that torts are not really "shaded." You could get shaded if Luna inherited it.
skysthelimit":31bnf26h said:The shaded gene is the chin light gene. Tort color is not caused by the chl chin light gene, but it is a non extension ee gene. So although they look shaded like siamese sables, those are two different genes.
__________ Sun Aug 26, 2012 6:22 am __________
So I should really say you can get tort if Luna inherited the non extension gene.
skysthelimit":y6ugw599 said:Yes the most dominant genes are capital. Some people don't put En in the series, because if it's there it's broken, no need to account for it.
I would not fill in the CC or DD, just leave as C_D_ because you don't really know what's there yet. it's possible to hide dilute,d, or REW, c, for many generations.
Luna could not be ata, unless she is an otter. if she is a broken choco self, she's aabbC_D_E_En_, possibly ee
Neville would be dd if he is a blue tort, aaB_(leave blank unless you know he carries chocolate)C_ (he can't have the chl and c gene at the same time, or he would not be a tort)ddee
tracie123":2keex6tb said:Ok if I have read this correct this is what i get??
Parent 1 parent 2
Solid solid 100% solids
Solid broken 50% solids& 50% brokens
Solid charlie 100% brokens
Broken broken 25% solids 50% brokens 25%charlies
Broken charlies 50% brokens 50% charlies
Charlie charlie 100% charlies so dont do this!!!
Is this correct??
SatinsRule":m3m11f45 said:tracie123":m3m11f45 said:Ok if I have read this correct this is what i get??
Parent 1 parent 2
Solid solid 100% solids
Solid broken 50% solids& 50% brokens
Solid charlie 100% brokens
Broken broken 25% solids 50% brokens 25%charlies
Broken charlies 50% brokens 50% charlies
Charlie charlie 100% charlies so dont do this!!!
Is this correct??
Not always. I bred a broken doe with a solid blue buck earlier this year, and got one-third brokens, while two thirds of the litter were solids.
It is going to vary based upon what the ancestry of each rabbit is, so look at their pedigrees. If there is alot of broken in their backgrounds, it behoves you to add in a solid color periodically in order to keep getting the brokens you obviously desire versus getting a bunch of charlies.