It also says on the site that Astrex can pop up in any other breed

Not just Rex, it's a genetic anomaly not specific to any one breed.
Yeah, this is where something that has been discovered about genes contradicts what that study published. Or...the TYPE of curling they were studying requires rex to show on the coat...but perhaps not every curl mutation in existence does?
I do believe that there is more than one curl mutation at work. And that it contributes to a lot of confusion and inconsistency in information about curl genetics.
I started a big fight on the Rex page about this asking these questions.
Everyone has an opinion. :roll:
I brought in a v-lop buck out of what I consider to be better lines to try and root out curl.
The only difference I can detect is that his fur isn't as soft, it's actually kinda coarse for a rex.
What worries me is that the current developer for velveteens sold me the buck who threw the second litter of curly and balding kits.
She tells me it's not astrex, that crown balding is good, and claims it will produce better coats. Other breeders have jumped on that boat.
Another breeder got on the astrex forum just to show me a velveteen with full body balding like mine that never had curls, and to tell everyone that he thinks it makes their coats better. :shrug:
Having just got her first pass at convention, she's in a position to sell a lot of rabbits. Actually, I'm the one in a pretty shaky position, to be speaking against it on a public forum. Dumansark and I both checked, and we found at least a dozen v-lop breeders between us with curl in the lines. Not all lines have it, but it's going to become more common with the current breed leadership.
Silky kit waves and curls aren't quite the same.
Do you suppose what I'm seeing in the v-lops can be silky kit waves?
Because the thing is...the curls don't normally stick. But I know Mucky was a curly kit, and her coat isn't what I'd call a nice normal rex now that she's fully mature. It did LOOK normal and dense for a while. One other velveteen breeder has told me she has an adult with curls.
I believe she is also in the northeast US.
All of Mucky's kits have been curly, but when crossed to other rabbits (both rex and strait coated), the bucks who threw those kits have yet to produce a curl for me.
I haven't let anything but a velveteen buck cover her, because she's too valuable to me to be producing mutts. She due with a litter from the new guy in a little over a week. I hope that will reveal something about the genes.
Dumansark tells me it is Astrex genes I'm seeing, and she's probably the person most educated about it in the US.
If anyone is interested in exploring it further, I do have a pair of these velveteens that I'd be willing to sell.(or trade)

will molt out of their curls, and some curl may or may not come back later. :shrug: I can't say I really understand them all that well.