meat chicks - crowd sourcing an answer

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Aug 14, 2023
Reaction score
Apache Junction, AZ
Hey folks. I go my latest round of 30 meat chickens on 3/6. Lost 2 on day 2, no surprise there. I have one that has a pasty/poopy butt issue. It doesn't seem to be blocking the vent that I can tell but it keeps caking up. I've been out there with warm water and a microfiber cloth twice in the last three days and each time I clean it up it's caked back on the next time I go out. They're on medicated chick starter, in brooders that are outdoors but under cover (I'm in Arizona). We've had some crazy rainy storms the alst couple of days but I stapled up a wind break and as far as I can tell there is no drafting (I hung a string in there and then stood in the gross cold wind for 20 min to observe, it didn't move) and they are active and warm enough based on their activity level and the thermometer readings.

I'm half tempted to just cull this one birds now, if he's going to be labor intensive. But the other half of me wants to save him especially if this is a ME failing in some aspect of his care. I haven't put anything on the arse after cleaning, maybe that's the missing link? Some bag balm or A&D ointment or heck even vaseline after cleaning? I have Banixx, vetrycin,vite E oil, etc but not sure if any of it is worth the time and effort.
Are you sure it's the same one? Seems odd that just one would be doing it?
There were 3 total in that brooder with pasty butt issues, none in the other brooder. I cleaned ‘em up again twice since I posted and put a little bag balm on their rear ends, last time was last night. We’ll See what they look like this morning when I go out (still dark for another 45 min or so)
I picked up some hens a couple months ago from a breeder and they highly recommended recover 911. My box says pasty butt is one of the things it can help treat. it goes in their water and a small amount goes a long way.

Do you have them in a brooder on shavings? Do they have grit available to them? Do you know how warm the hot spot in your brooder is? I just moved a batch of 10 out of a brooder and I was having a little trouble with my heat lamp getting too hot in the hot spot, too much heat can cook the poopies on.