Alright, I am sick of this! What is my best option?

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2011
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Okay, my one doe has destroyed 4 water bottles... I am SO tired of buying more... she drinks and then bites the metal spout and starts pulling them... in a matter of minutes they are dripping like crazy... Right now I have a bowl in there zip tied to the cage but it takes up more room than I would like, and it really doesn't hold much water....

Can anyone tell me what my best option would be?
Try some EZ-lock water crocks. My biggest concern was that my rabbits would chew the heck out of them, but they've worked like a champ and the rabbits seem to accept their purpose. Here's what I'm specifically referring to:

I use the 52 oz version (item no. K-31G), and haven't had the first minute of trouble with them.
I never had any problems with animals pulling on the tube to water bottles. I've even had some destructive enough small animals I had to use glass bottles with metal holders to prevent bottle destruction. If a bottle is going to leak it will start to leak after a week or 2 irregardless. Best pick a different brand if that keeps happening. lixit and critter canteens are usually the biggest sellers on forums for small pets. I've had some of my critter canteens for years through different species and have had rabbits banging the one in the other room by pulling on the valve for the past 8 months without it leaking. However we have switched nearly all our caged rabbits to top filling bottles with valves that they have to push a small lever to get the water instead of a ball. Similar to these . They are much less likely to leak since they don't work off a vacuum. That's why you can open them and fill them without them leaking which is the main reason we got them. We don't have to take the bottles off the cages individually anymore. We just flip the tops, pour, and flip them back down. A little more costly but much more convenient and we've only had one leak a little while the rabbits were drinking only when there had been major temperature changes in the past 24hrs.
hmmm... might try that... We have used 3 different brands of the ball type... She is pushing the ball back and grabbing the pipe part and scratching it with her teeth... it leaves enough of a scratch to allow water to come through... I think she just is lazy and wants running water!!
Maybe she is really bored and needs some environmental enrichement. Now that she's got a habbit of destroying the bottles, you should try something else, but after you find a solution maybe she needs some fun toys. I would find some that she likes and rotate them every few days. good luck :)
I have some blocks in there but she doesn't touch them... I am going to put a TP roll in there filled with hay and see if that interests her... I will try to find a cat ball too... not sure I have any, might have to run to the store..
Maggie I go one more step. I give them small branches to gnaw on but each cage also has a short section of large branch that they also gnaw on but they make it into a toy or part of the "furniture" they like to rearrange. I once saw a friend using wooden alphabet blocks for rabbit toys till I spotted them and said,"AGGG. Those things are collectible antiques!!!"
That's a good idea, Hoodat. I know the blocks you mean... and it's making me feel OLD!

Today's wind storm brought down several willow branches, all bursting into leaf. My rabbits are munching on them even as I type. :)