Broken blue holland lop dam, broken fawn holland lop sire.
Other litters from the dam x broken orange sire produced broken blue, broken orange. First litter with the broken fawn as sire.
I thought we had 3 broken blue, 1 broken fawn and 1 solid blue otter but now I'm thinking there are 3 broken blue otters. Can anyone confirm?
Also, the broken fawn (has a boogey nest box nose) but also darker markings on nose and eyes, still broken fawn or indicative of some other color?
Thank you
first broken blue (otter) kit

second broken blue (otter) kit

__________ Thu Apr 07, 2016 1:02 pm __________
third broken blue (otter) kit

__________ Thu Apr 07, 2016 1:03 pm __________
broken fawn kit

__________ Thu Apr 07, 2016 1:04 pm __________
solid blue otter kit

Other litters from the dam x broken orange sire produced broken blue, broken orange. First litter with the broken fawn as sire.
I thought we had 3 broken blue, 1 broken fawn and 1 solid blue otter but now I'm thinking there are 3 broken blue otters. Can anyone confirm?
Also, the broken fawn (has a boogey nest box nose) but also darker markings on nose and eyes, still broken fawn or indicative of some other color?
Thank you
first broken blue (otter) kit

second broken blue (otter) kit

__________ Thu Apr 07, 2016 1:02 pm __________
third broken blue (otter) kit

__________ Thu Apr 07, 2016 1:03 pm __________
broken fawn kit

__________ Thu Apr 07, 2016 1:04 pm __________
solid blue otter kit