Ageing (live) rabbits

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2013
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Amarillo TX
Can it be done, and if so, how?

I just got given a super-nice Dutch buck that was terrorizing the neighborhood gardens across town. He's obviously of breeding age, but beyond that...? No tattoo, either. Poor thing's a bit skinny...the guy that caught him had given him something resembling Gaines Burger & he ate it! Hope his digestion is strong :p

Anyway, if he makes it through QT, we've got another nice buck!

Unlike dogs and cats their teeth grow continually so it is nearly impossible to 'guesstimate' a rabbits age.

Does it really matter?

I have a 10 year old NZ x Flemish who still fathers litters of 12 :D give it a go and if it works it works.
Doesn't really matter, just something he & I were 'discussing' on the drive home :)

Probably a more important question is should I worm him or treat for cocci since he's been on the lam for who knows how long!?<br /><br />__________ Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:19 am __________<br /><br />

Sure wish I knew more about this guy. Other than being a man of mystery, he's not showable due to a few white hairs on the ear you can't see. The guy who trapped him was calling him Sylvester. I weighed him this morning and he's a little skinny at 3 1/4 lbs, but not grossly underweight. Nails have been trimmed recently and his coat's in super shape. Why do I think there's more to this story than I was told? :pullhair:
If you think he is much loved pet that simply got loose, or was stolen, then place a found ad out on Craigslist, local papers, call the shelters and ask if anyone is looking for a rabbit etc..

DON'T describe him, people wanting a free rabbit - for whatever reason 'cough' snake food 'cough' - may claim him.
What a beautiful little rabbit! I don't think he is very old- his fur quality looks really nice and he doesn't have a huge "bucky" head, so I would guess he is a young adult or even an older junior.