AAARGH! A cage bit me

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It was a tear rather than a cut so I had kind of a skin flap I could hold down with a bandaid. Those heal really fast; kind of like a skin graft.
hoodat":2nsurpbe said:
It was a tear rather than a cut so I had kind of a skin flap I could hold down with a bandaid. Those heal really fast; kind of like a skin graft.

Skin grafting? Isn't that practicing medicine without a license?'s in trouble!!!!
hoodat":2nz63yx6 said:
It was a tear rather than a cut so I had kind of a skin flap I could hold down with a bandaid. Those heal really fast; kind of like a skin graft.

Oooh, for me, those hurt the worst. It seems you're always catching them. Hope you heal up fast!

And Miss M, my kit has sutures, needles, lidocaine, butterfly strips, and superglue! If you're gonna be klutzy, you gotta be prepared. :)
I sneezed when I was a wee lass in the bathroom. I was just tall/short enough that the sneeze made me hit my forehead on the corner of the bathroom counter. OWIE. I had a HUGE hole in my head. Sigh.

Other than that, most of my owies lately come from wire. When making three large aviaries and a billion rabbit cages... Let me tell you I've gotten some looks from my doctor!

The other night, I brought in a doe, I was worried she wasn't feeling well. She was acting so lethargic even when I was holding her. Then WHAM BANG SCRACH, my arm looked like Freddie Krueger got ahold of me.

Here in the tropics, you have to be SUPER careful. There have been almost a dozen cases of flesh eating bacteria in our town in the last MONTH. Folks have almost died from it.

I have, on hand, a staple kit, suture kit, glue, lidocaine, scalpels, etc etc.

__________ Sun Oct 13, 2013 7:21 pm __________

Oh and my daughter takes the cake for owies. When she was 8, she was trimming some grass with those huge scissor looking things. Very dull mind you! Hedge clipeprs or something like that.

She tripped. The pointy end WENT INTO HER ARM INTO AN ARTERY.

Yeah. She turned this weird color and said "mommy I hurt myself" when she took her hand off it blood spurted several feet! It was like a cartoon. So I grabbed a wrag and told her "hold it on there tight baby, I'm driving you to the er". In our town it was much faster for me to drive. She was woozy, grey and pale. She obviously was in shock. So I made her sing me this stupid song she was learning in spanish class. She still teases me about that. Anyway, I found that if you are spurting blood you don't have to even check in! They take you right back and you see a doc within seconds. :)

She got some drugs to help with shock, some med to stop the bleeding, stitches, valium, morphine, a tetinus shot and some antibiotics.

After a couple hours when her bp was back up, we were allowed to leave. She has a HUGE scar.

Just a tip. We should all pay attention to our tetanus shots and get a booster when it's due. Animal manure is a breeding ground for tetanus and that's pretty nasty to come down with.