A chicken mystery

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2021
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Indonesia, anambas
last night I found a Dead rooster (the witch rooster) and this morning my mother found a other dead rooster (the jang rooster). The rooster i found last night was in the chicken house and had no injuries but had some blood on his neck and the rooster that my mother found was on the ground with some plucked feathers and probably some blood so now I am thinking about what could have killed the roosters. they could have fought but then the witch rooster would have had some injuries. Rats are the only other suspect but that still doesn’t explain why the witch rooster had blood but no injuries. I already asked my mother is there were white bots on the liver and she said no. basically my mind is turning in circles and I can’t figure it out. What do you think?
They could have been attacked by a hawk or a weasel. Weasels attack animals much bigger than they are.
I don’t have any predatory bird that would get passed my dogs and the only land predators I have are snakes.