7 mo. old rabbit with hiccups??

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Dec 30, 2013
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I don't think this is an illness, but it's something I've not seen before. I was securing everyone in their cages for the cold weather to hit tomorrow when my youngest said he heard an odd noise from my potential replacement rabbit area. I went over there, and didn't hear anything. Started feeding & winterizing two of the cages when I heard this loud, protracted...noise. Turned around, and Billy Idol was looking at me. (My rabbit Billy Idol, not THE Billy Idol.) He suddenly made this loud, very vocal...noise...again. It may have been a rabbit hiccup. None of mine have done that before. But if it was a hiccup, it was along the lines of a Foster Brooks hiccup, if any of you remember that old comedian. Like a drunken rabbit, loud, unabashed belch/hiccup. He did it about two more times. I pulled him out to look at him. Seems fine. Didn't act oddly. Seemed peeved that I stuffed his resting box full of additional hay, but he'll get over it when the temp. drops.

I searched past posts and saw Ladysown had posted about young rabbits having hiccups, and it might be a sign of heart issues. Does what I described above first of all sound like hiccups, or something else anyone has experienced? I didn't isolate him (his cage is near one of my young does) and now I'm second guessing and wondering if I should have. I'll feel like an idiot if it was just a hiccup and other rabbits do it all the time, but it's the first time I've ever seen it.
the reluctant farmer":4wy7mndy said:
Turned around, and Billy Idol was looking at me.
:shock: :p :lol:

I've seen hiccups in lots of popples, but that's it.

My grandfather had transverse myelitis. He would have bouts of hiccups that would last for weeks, which was painful. Basically, it was a spasm in his diaphragm as a result of nerve damage.

In a rabbit, though... that strikes me as very odd. Rabbits aren't supposed to belch, and I've never seen one beyond popple age hiccup.

I wouldn't think it would be indicative of anything contagious, but I would wonder if something was going wrong.
I wonder if the cold weather has anything to do with it? It could stress his system which could reveal hidden issues. Odd. I think I'm going to pull him inside first thing tomorrow so I can keep an eye on him. His vocalization was what made it extra odd. Loud.