Well-known member
I was suddenly in the possition of selling my EA buck and hadn't used him yet....so I threw in one of my experienced Satin Angoras who was agreeable to his attempts....but then, nothing. Hum. He hadn't accomplished anything with my 4 year old virgin EA doe, but I'd chalked that up to her "old" age. Maybe Cody was sterile? Hum...put Tandi in with a SA buck, whom she growled at and whirled upon, hinting that she WAS with-kit. The nest box stayed empty. I added straw, wool, waited....gave up. and WHAT THE HECK!!! 9 little wigglers! 6 looked REW and 2 choc and one chestnut. But then I was reading about the difference between ermine and pearl...the white babies may develop points later, as the buck has them....so, we wait and see.
I'm sort of regretting the impulse breeding, even though it gave me a bunch of nice fat kits....but it will get me off my duff and into the fiber community to sell them. I can't sell all my buns to show folk....so I guess it's a good thing.
I'm sort of regretting the impulse breeding, even though it gave me a bunch of nice fat kits....but it will get me off my duff and into the fiber community to sell them. I can't sell all my buns to show folk....so I guess it's a good thing.