32 days - No Kits Update - WE HAVE KITS!

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Active member
May 14, 2013
Reaction score
Darke County, Ohio
My journey back into rabbits is starting just like it ended when I quit. I bought a bred doe that was due Monday, but here it is Wednesday, and no babies. This doe was supposed to be a good breeder that never had any problems and is a good mom. I put the box in late last week, but she never pulled any hair.

No question here, just venting.
Leave that nestbox in with her! Rabbits may take 36 days to kindle... or even more. I don't know how often I've heard people lament that they lost a litter on the wire because the doe went past the due date and the owner removed the nestbox.
Keep that nest in there as Maggie said!

Here's hoping she is just building your anticipation, and will give you a litter soon! :clover:
Like others said, keep it in there! :) I lost a litter not long ago because I pulled the box on day 35...........and right after I pulled the box, thinking she missed, she kindled four on the wire. :cry: I found them the next morning, they chilled to death. She never pulled fur either...until she kindled. Those poor chilled kits had piles of her fur all over them, she tried her very best but it was below freezing that night. So don't give up!!! If she's new to you, she might be "holding onto them" a little extra, sometimes stress can postpone delivery...and some does just like to be "fashionably late." ;)

Best of luck, hope you get some popples soon!!!!! :)
Mine seen to pull fur about 30 min before they kindle. I also would wait a bit longer. If there is nothing by 37 days I breed again.
Yeah, annie. I was just thinking of your doe! You've had both extremes. I would keep that nestbox in there till day 40 if it were me. Just to be on the safe side.
Most of my does kindle on day 34 or 35, the usually on time Holland went to day 36. If you feel kits in her, which you should be able to by now, then you can give lavender, parsley or breed her to stimulate the uterus and cause contractions.
I checked this morning and nothing, no hair pulled or anything. I just got a call from home, and she had them! They couldn't see how many, just a pile of hair and movement under it.

Guess I just got too anxious.

Thanks everyone for your support and advise.
Leave work now and go count for us!!! just kidding, although it would be a creative excuse to leave work earlier, bet your boss has never heard it before as an excuse...

Congratulations on your litter!

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