1 of 7 kits

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Mar 5, 2011
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Sorry if it's in the wrong area.
Here is one of the 7 kits I have, Californian.
It would not hold still for a good, clear picture. My guess is cus it is cold out! But here are the pics I promised! All of the same baby. They are too cute and already all white w/fur! I'm always kissing them...lol.


Look at that tail!
She thinks she can fly!

Very sweet! I'm glad you posted the pictures - we always enjoy popple pics! - but I am moving this to Random Rabbit Ramblings because I try to keep Rabbit Care for problems and questions. And anyone can see that your popples have no problems at all! Congratulations!

CONGRATS!!! :wbounce: That little tail IS adorable! :pinkbunny:
Cute cute cute!!! :razz:

Our son, Bunny-Wan Kenobi, likes to pick up a soft little popple, and rub it all over his face like a powder puff! :lol:
Doe is leaving them a bit uncovered everyday. So I am covering them back up.<br /><br />__________ Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:04 am __________<br /><br />

The Dam is not leaving them uncovered,
the kits will wiggle themselves up out of the fur
when they get too warm and wiggle back down when they feel cold.
Dennis, C.V.R. :eek:ldtimer:
Otter, I find a ton of fur at the end of the nest, no where near the kits. That pic is how I found them this morning, all piled on top and moving under each other. I'm using a small plastic dog crate half for the nest. Babies are at the back and where the door would be is where I always find all the fur.
But w/e, they are all growing and doing well.

Actually, in that first pic, you can see the gray fur mass all piled away from the nest.<br /><br />__________ Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:18 pm __________<br /><br />They are growing so fast! One opened it's eyes like I guessed they would. Two are real wiggly if I start talking to them. And all are too active to stay still for pics if I hold them, lol.
Everyday they look bigger! We should have just rain temps for now, but we did have crazy freezing weather w/snow. Definitively covered them up for that. Easy for them to come out if they please. Idk what I will do when they start going out of the nest! Oh the worry!
Just a reminder, Chickiesnbunnies, that when the kits first start to pop out of the box it is often hard for them to get back in. This is because the bedding makes the interior height a couple of inches less than the exterior height. A brick placed against the foot of the nest box gives them a step-up to get them back in while they are still in this vulnerable stage. It can save many unnecessary losses to chilling.
Yea I know, most tilt the nest over. But my nest is not a regular nest. I'm using half of the crate in the picture below. So they can easily get in and out already.
That works! :) I'd just really hate anyone to lose kits just when they are nearly past the worst danger-phase. I used to worry so much for those few days until I thought of using a brick. Never lost one that way since.
I'm glad they are doing so well, Chickies!

Are they still on the floor in the chicken coop? I don't trust chickens very much - I'd be worried about the hens pecking at them when they start coming out.
Chickens can't reach into the cage. It's still on the floor, I will be redoing a lot of things the next few weekends. Fox killed two of my ducks, I'm selling most of the chickens. Rabbits are moving into the chicken yard so adding wood for insulation will be easy. Ducks will live in the pen as well until I can kill the fox and make sure it didn't have a friend.
Gonna make 2 or 3 doe birthing cages in the coop for winter use.
Gonna raise this doe's cage this weekend.
Most of it is covered in a folded shade tarp.

Kits are even bigger than 2 days ago! And 2 are really moving around!
Oh, no- sorry about the fox hanging around. Some neighbors have a few ducks and the bobcats take them. Sounds like you are going to be very busy for a while. Are you saying you are moving cage row to the chicken yard?!?

Did you see the thread about keeping rabbits and chickens together? It's got me thinking about moving some cages into my chicken yard. I have almost 15 feet on one side... :bunnyhop: "Look out below, chickies!!!"
Yea, I'm going to divide it into 3 cages on one wall of fencing and the other 2 cages will be on the perpendicular wall. The buck hutch will be on the outside backed against the 2 cages. Doe cages will hang, going to have drilled plywood where I can attach it to the chain link for winter and take off certain panels for summer. Also going to add a pole across the top to add a plywood roof for them. Since we have snow, I have to make sure it won't all just cave in, lol. I can't add any height to the yard until spring or later, but for now, I will continue to wander around on my knees, lol. I don't mind it.
Also gonna move the doors to the front, since I won't be able to reach from the top in there.<br /><br />__________ Wed Jan 11, 2012 7:13 pm __________<br /><br />Here is how I'll make it.
That looks like it is going to be very nice. How frustrating that you just got cage row done and are moving it already though.