Śnieżka is out alone today, wish her luck!

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2011
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So I took Śnieżka out of her pen a few minutes ago after I got home from work. It's her first half day free with the critters w/o me there supervising! Last week I've been telling her no to even looking at the rabbits or birds and she seems to be doing ok.

Hope everyone can send good vibes that she will do a good job today with no chasing of anybody! She's getting big and I'd love to have her in the yard free ranging when I'm home!

Here's the most recent pic of her from yesterday. She kinda looks like a dude...but that's ok...
Did a little yelling through the windows, she settled down eventually. But then heard some barking. Went out and the cat was saying hello, picked her up to let the pup sniff her and then gave her a big 'ol beef pizzle to chew on. =D

__________ Wed Jul 04, 2012 2:24 pm __________

Let the dober out for a few minutes.

__________ Wed Jul 04, 2012 8:30 pm __________

She did great!


__________ Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:21 am __________

She did good! Until she decided the pond would be a nice place to swim and kill part of my lily....Ducks did a worse # on them, guess I need yet a better fence around it.
Will let her out again today! =D
We also went to say hello to the bigger critters. Pony kept trying to snack on some puppy fur and she kept hiding in my lap cus the pony is a nutcase.
Sheep were chilling in their usual spot, she barked a bit at em, told her no. Lady 8 came over for some scratching and some stomping her foot at the pup. Pup didn't wanna be head butted so she walked a yard away and laid down until it was safe to come back to me.<br /><br />__________ Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:26 am __________<br /><br />
LOL She is cute<br /><br />__________ Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:28 am __________<br /><br />LOL She is cute
I'm glad she did well! It sounds like you are doing a god job training her. :)