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  1. A

    New ducks need ID

    I bought ducks at the auction, but I have no idea what type they are or age. Any help is appreciated. They're in a holding pen at the moment. They'll move to better quarters tomorrow. Thanks!
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    Tamuk Rabbit Standard?

    If you go to buy an animal and the breeder won't let you see their setup or you don't like what you see, it's ok to walk away. You should also be able to visit to talk and check things out and come back another day to buy the animal. They might not give you a pedigree if you haven't paid for...
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    Tamuk Rabbit Standard?

    Y Ep. That's what I ve discovered. The TAMUKs I got from a small breeder who visits his fluffle everyday while he drinks his coffee are wonderful. The buck we got from him will sleep in my husband's arms. Human Interaction with them from a young age is a must. Commercial breedingng for meat...
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    Tamuk Rabbit Standard?

    I've got NZ TAMUKs here in FL. I do love them. My main doe is producing kits that are 6lb by 10 weeks. I've done some heavy production breeding in the past, but I started running out of cages and I don't do tractors, because there's no winter parasite kill off down here. The TAMUKs noticeably...
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    Swollen breasts

    My lionhead has swollen breasts. I can see one front one in particular hanging down when she sits. If she were human, I'd say she wore a j cup size. Most of her breasts look swollen but they're not hard. Her kits are 4 days old. She normally has 5+ in a litter but this litter was only 3. I...
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    Coturnix Quail Hatch W/O Turning!

    I just thought I'd share a surprising success. I'm just getting back into Jumbo Coturnix Quail. 1st 3 hatchings 1. Old incubator 120 deg or off. No hatches 2. OK thermometer. Used refrigerated eggs. Too much humidity during lockdown/hatching (80%+). 30 eggs, 9 hatched, 6 survived 3. I forgot...
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    Animal For Sale REW NZ TAMUKs Florida

    I'm thinning down my fluffle to focus more on livestock my husband isn't allergic to. I have 4 proven REW TAMUK NZ breeders 9-12 months old 2 bucks and 2 does for sale. $70 each. And 3 litters 8 weeks - 3 months. All rabbits are WHITE TAMUKs. No composites.
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    Weaning tips?

    I usually do unlimited pellets until 3 months. Past that, they gain too much fat. I usually wean at 4-5weeks or at least divide the kits. When there are too many together, they don't gain weight as fast. But it probably depends on your breed. I've got TAMUK NZs and they're practically full...
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    Rabbitry name ideas...

    A group of rabbits is called a fluffle, if that helps.
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    I think I figured out what's going on, based on life experience. All dry goods (grain, pasta, pellets, etc) potentially contain insect eggs (like weevils). If they sit long enough in the right conditions the eggs hatch, and voila, bugs in the food. The bugs and eggs are SO small, you don't...
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    I've noticed if the rabbits don't eat all of their food and it sits waiting for 2ish days, small (weevil?) bugs appear in the food. There's nothing wrong with the food in the bag/buckets, no sign of bugs at all. Just wondered if anyone else has experienced this.
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    Blue eyes or illusion?

    They might be different rabbits. I thought they were the same. I was trying to cheat and not take new pictures. I rescued 100 rabbits in January and it was tricky to keep everyone straight. Here's new pictures.
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    Blue eyes or illusion?

    No. He looks solid black until you see him in the light and realize there are large brown patches intermixed in the black.
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    Blue eyes or illusion?

    Grandfather on both sides was a broken- black spots on white Grandmother on mom's side was broken-brown spots on white Mom is Charlie- almost no black on white Grandmother on dad's side was broken -tuxedo coloring almost all black, white dulap and belly Dad is all black with some brown.
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    Blue eyes or illusion?

    The parents and grandparents of this litter were given to me. I was told they're rex, but clearly they're not 100% because the fur is too long. Neither the parents, nor grandparents of this litter had blue eyes. So I'm trying to figure out if it's just an illusion that they look blue. Thanks...
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    Animal For Sale REW NZ TAMUKs Florida

    I have several New Zealand White TAMUK litters. 2 litters kindling this week. 1 litters 5 weeks old. 2 litters 7 weeks old. $40 each I also have some rex crosses (adults and kits). 4 week old New Zealand (with a little Flemish giant mixed in) also available. Just North of Gainesville Florida...
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    Exhausting, ideas?

    We found wagerers on Amazon that have a bowl as the base but use a bottle. They come with 17 oz bottles which isn't enough, but 33oz smart water bottles fit. In some ways they're a pain to clean, but the rabbits drink more from them than regular bottles and they don't spill like bowls do...
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    Using Tractors the good and the bad

    Tractors are nice, but there are just too many parasites in Florida for ir, in my opinion, ticks, fleas, ear mites, worms.... plus wild rabbits here have some diseases I don't want in my herd. I'm glad it works for others though.
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    Not full NZ. So what are they?

    Thank you!