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  1. A

    Freezing whole rabbits

    I sell my kits that die young of exposure to a lady for dog food. Depending on size usually $1--$3 each. She has small dogs, but occasionally buys a larger rabbit, usually what I sell her are older rabbits that were culled or rabbits that died of known causes (animal attack, birthing...
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    BEW Genetic code question

    Oregon State has one of the clearest websites about rabbit genetics I've found. It consists of several pages and a class. is...
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    High protein rabbit feed?

    I don't think they do. I'm in FL. I just happen to be within 40 min of one of the 2 FL stores they work with. I know the store here orders and sends pallets to buyers in other areas farther south in FL. Maybe, if you contact the closest store to you, they might have shipments going your way. I...
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    High protein rabbit feed?

    They do make a starter booster 25% protein product for rabbits and other animals that you can add with the feed.
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    High protein rabbit feed?

    I love Tucker Milling NatureCrest Rabbit. No corn, no soy, no GMO. I was feeding MannaPro, but there were issues and there was 5-10lbs of dust/fines per bag. Tucker milling is under $20/50 lb bag, no dust. 16% protein They do great on it. My NZW TAMUKs can reach 6lb at 10 weeks.
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    Just for fun - themed rabbit names

    I don't want to get attached, so I use a formula. All rabbit names are physical descriptions and start with the letter of the year corresponding to the year they were born or joined our fluffle Year 1 A (all rabbits were REW, so all names mean white) Albina Albus Avera Aubin Year 2 B...
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    Most Humane Way to Dispatch?

    NO dispatch method is 100% fool proof. I tried the choke chain idea, that didn't work at all. Poor thing. My husband does cervical dislocation with a board and mallet. USUALLY works, but I don't have the strength to do it successfully in 1 blow. A friend wanted to try the broomstick method...
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    Broken vs steel and agouti

    THANK YOU! I appreciate all you put into That response. The agouti is a chestnut.
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    Broken vs steel and agouti

    My broken buck is sold but I have people interested in him, so I want to breed him before he leaves. My only available does are his nieces a steel and an agouti. Grandma was broken ("Rex" but didn't have the rex coat) Grandpa was REW (NZW) Uncle and his brother are broken Mom (uncle's sister)...
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    New ducks need ID

    I bought ducks at the auction, but I have no idea what type they are or age. Any help is appreciated. They're in a holding pen at the moment. They'll move to better quarters tomorrow. Thanks!
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    Tamuk Rabbit Standard?

    If you go to buy an animal and the breeder won't let you see their setup or you don't like what you see, it's ok to walk away. You should also be able to visit to talk and check things out and come back another day to buy the animal. They might not give you a pedigree if you haven't paid for...
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    Tamuk Rabbit Standard?

    Y Ep. That's what I ve discovered. The TAMUKs I got from a small breeder who visits his fluffle everyday while he drinks his coffee are wonderful. The buck we got from him will sleep in my husband's arms. Human Interaction with them from a young age is a must. Commercial breedingng for meat...
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    Tamuk Rabbit Standard?

    I've got NZ TAMUKs here in FL. I do love them. My main doe is producing kits that are 6lb by 10 weeks. I've done some heavy production breeding in the past, but I started running out of cages and I don't do tractors, because there's no winter parasite kill off down here. The TAMUKs noticeably...
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    Swollen breasts

    My lionhead has swollen breasts. I can see one front one in particular hanging down when she sits. If she were human, I'd say she wore a j cup size. Most of her breasts look swollen but they're not hard. Her kits are 4 days old. She normally has 5+ in a litter but this litter was only 3. I...
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    Coturnix Quail Hatch W/O Turning!

    I just thought I'd share a surprising success. I'm just getting back into Jumbo Coturnix Quail. 1st 3 hatchings 1. Old incubator 120 deg or off. No hatches 2. OK thermometer. Used refrigerated eggs. Too much humidity during lockdown/hatching (80%+). 30 eggs, 9 hatched, 6 survived 3. I forgot...
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    Animal For Sale REW NZ TAMUKs Florida

    I'm thinning down my fluffle to focus more on livestock my husband isn't allergic to. I have 4 proven REW TAMUK NZ breeders 9-12 months old 2 bucks and 2 does for sale. $70 each. And 3 litters 8 weeks - 3 months. All rabbits are WHITE TAMUKs. No composites.
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    Weaning tips?

    I usually do unlimited pellets until 3 months. Past that, they gain too much fat. I usually wean at 4-5weeks or at least divide the kits. When there are too many together, they don't gain weight as fast. But it probably depends on your breed. I've got TAMUK NZs and they're practically full...
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    Rabbitry name ideas...

    A group of rabbits is called a fluffle, if that helps.
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    I think I figured out what's going on, based on life experience. All dry goods (grain, pasta, pellets, etc) potentially contain insect eggs (like weevils). If they sit long enough in the right conditions the eggs hatch, and voila, bugs in the food. The bugs and eggs are SO small, you don't...
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    I've noticed if the rabbits don't eat all of their food and it sits waiting for 2ish days, small (weevil?) bugs appear in the food. There's nothing wrong with the food in the bag/buckets, no sign of bugs at all. Just wondered if anyone else has experienced this.