Rabbitry name ideas...

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2010
Reaction score
western washington
So, my last name changed, and I used to sell rabbits using my last name on the pedigree. Because it changed I decided to take the opportunity to rebrand, and make an inclusive name that I could use for any critter/product I sell. Something sort of general.

As I was recently explaining elsewhere, my "farm" is really just an intensively managed suburban lot, just over 7000 square feet including the space holding my house. Consequently, I've been considering something humorously referencing that, such as "Flyspeck Farm".

I'm not sold on it yet though, because while I really like it and think it's funny, it's a little too rural redneck sounding to suit my target customer. Needs to be snappier maybe...

What cool rabbitry/farm names have you seen or thought of?
I love that name for two reasons.
1. it's unusual
2. it gives you an opportunity to sell a story.

You could change to flyspeck acres instead of farm or look up a variety of synonyms to farm and see if you can come up with something snappier. estates, garden, plot, homestead, micro plantation. etc....