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  1. R

    Flemish Giant doe doesn't want to lift!!!

    Well crap :groooan: I guess that would make sense, but that friggin sucks.
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    Flemish Giant doe doesn't want to lift!!!

    MamaSheepdog - definitely laughing with!!! Dood - you're right, but the problem is that our pedigrees both list the same names/birthdates/genders. So the name on my doe's pedigree reads "Golden Girl" (the rabbit being sold to me), her gender is the same, and her birthdays are the same...
  3. R

    Flemish Giant doe doesn't want to lift!!!

    Thank you all for the info and advice :) Dood - unfortunately no, she doesn't show interest at all. I have been checking her for readiness and she seems to always be "ready" lol, nice dark pink, and off-and-on engorged. I'm familiar with signs of readiness too, at least with my other gals...
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    Flemish Giant doe doesn't want to lift!!!

    I purchased Gigi (doe) and Mad Max (buck) in June, locally. The previous owner said she was able to successfully breed Gigi twice, but for the life of me I can't get her to give it up!! I put her in with Max and she simply doesn't lift. I tried assisting and lifting her hips for her, but she...
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    Nursing rabbit EMERGENCY - possible tumor?

    Finally getting around to posting an update!! MaBelle is doing great, there have been no signs of recurrence with whatever the heck that thing was!! :D I haven't tried to rebreed her yet, as it sits I already have too many buns in my rabbitry so I'm waiting until I can downsize by about 9...
  6. R

    Nursing rabbit EMERGENCY - possible tumor?

    Yay, finally able to post an update!!! The following picture was taken about a week ago now, I was putting iodine on the scab and used the Q-tip as a reference as to the size of the "wound." As of recently it's entirely closed, and the only thing left is a little bump, what I would assume is...
  7. R

    Nursing rabbit EMERGENCY - possible tumor?

    For the life of me I can't figure out how to upload pictures on here because they have too many pixels, I'm not an iPad guru by any means! :angry: I've tried loading more recent pictures of MaBelle's recovery. The first night I used honey, I went to change her bandage the following day and...
  8. R

    Nursing rabbit EMERGENCY - possible tumor?

    Hahaha I feel like such a moron, I didn't know it had posted all those attempts lmao :oops: Sorry for the redundancy! Thank you guys for all your help and advice, I'll be posting updates as we go. She seems to be doing fine, but she's angry with me for being locked up in a crate in the house...
  9. R

    Nursing rabbit EMERGENCY - possible tumor?

    Okay - this is my 3rd attempt at posting this now :evil: So I got her all cleaned out, flushed the cavity with hydrogen peroxide (and have been doing so 2x/day since), and last night I swabbed iodine inside and used a sterile Telfa pad and wrapped her up (the cavity tried closing twice :x )...
  10. R

    Nursing rabbit EMERGENCY - possible tumor?

    I think we had some success last night! MaBelle was a champ and laid so still for me, even fell asleep a couple times :D When I started, I was able to simply pull that tannish-thing out (slowly and gently of course). Then I cut the dead tissue away. After I got it out, there was virtually...
  11. R

    Nursing rabbit EMERGENCY - possible tumor?

    Ya know, I removed as much as I could tonight and cleaned it up well, but remember that new development, the tannish "something" popping out the side? I think it might've actually been a tumor. *Quick side note - I've flushed out her wound with hydrogen peroxide, and applied honey to the wound...
  12. R

    Nursing rabbit EMERGENCY - possible tumor?

    Oh man thank you so much, I'm so relieved I don't have to cull her!!! :D I will get it all cleaned up tonight when I get home, and will post updates for sure!!! Thank you guys SOOOOO much!!!!! -- Tue Jul 29, 2014 4:25 pm --
  13. R

    Nursing rabbit EMERGENCY - possible tumor?

    Good to know about the salt/water rinse, thank you. As far as the dead tissue thing goes, in the first pic I posted, that big dark red spot - it's really hard, like a giant, thick scab. Do I just leave that attached?
  14. R

    Nursing rabbit EMERGENCY - possible tumor?

    Awesome, thank you so much MamaSheepdog! When I go to "perform surgery" on the abscess, should I cut away any dead tissue? I don't have any Nu-Stock; I can order it, but it'll take a few days for delivery. Am I okay to use plain ol' Neosporin in the meantime?
  15. R

    Nursing rabbit EMERGENCY - possible tumor?

    Thank you Zass, I'll clean it out today then. Would hydrogen peroxide be acceptable for cleaning it out? I also have iodine and rubbing alcohol, but I'd think those would burn pretty bad. Do I put antibiotic ointment in there?
  16. R

    Nursing rabbit EMERGENCY - possible tumor?

    Thank you so much guys, this information sounds very reassuring! I will try nursing her kits on her in the morning; a breeder friend of mine loaned me a foster doe, so at least they were fed today :) Good to know about positioning the doe over the kits, thank you! Since my post, it seems the...
  17. R

    Nursing rabbit EMERGENCY - possible tumor?

    I have a Californian doe (not sure how old she is; bought her from a backyard breeder as an adult). She just had a litter of 6 on the 22nd. About 3 weeks before that, however, I noticed a rather large lump underneath one of her nipples. My friend told me to give her peppermint sprigs to "dry...