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  1. Jennamah

    Help- my buck may be sick

    Thank you all for your help today. Once I got him inside I noticed he wasn't eating, drinking (other than the time this am) peeing or pooping. I planned on taking him to the vet in the am. But it wasn't to be. My daughter found him laying down and didn't seem to be able to move well. He died in...
  2. Jennamah

    Help- my buck may be sick

    Ok gave him water in a bowl and he drank half. Maybe his water bottle was spout was clogged but I always check them. Brought him in and he had a normal poop. Still being quite. Just watching him for now.
  3. Jennamah

    Help- my buck may be sick

    Thank you? I thought maybe he was mad at me so I had my daughter go out and he still doesn't want to move. I put a bowl of water out with him and he is drinking. I also put a bowl of old fashioned oat as well. I am not sure about poops as he poops thru a grate down a shoot. I will bring him...
  4. Jennamah

    Help- my buck may be sick

    Hi all, my buck who is usually very lively and greets us the minute you go by his hutch is acting funny today. When I went out to greet my bunnies, he didn't greet me and is just sitting there. I cut his toenails last night and he was fine. I did give him some Cheerios as a treat afterward but...
  5. Jennamah

    Day 33 still no kits?

    Thank you all for your advice. I tried tums but she would not eat them. Yes she is a holland lop and has given me peanuts before so she is a dwarf. I am going to go check her now. Fingers crossed! <br /><br /> -- Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:21 am -- <br /><br /> No babies:( she ate some tums- I had left...
  6. Jennamah

    Day 33 still no kits?

    Hi all- so I bred my two does on June 17th. My black doe gave birth yesterday morning (day 32) to two kits. My harliquinn doe as of this am still hasn't giving birth. She built her nest and pulled fur but nothing yet. I think she was pregnant. I an practicing palpating on day 10 and thought I...
  7. Jennamah

    Help! Wound on neck

    Ahh. Got it. I never knew they were called warbles. They are gross! This wound looks more like his skin was shredded. If it hurt him would he show me he was in pain? I know some animals don't show pain as a defense against predators. not sure about bunnies.
  8. Jennamah

    Help! Wound on neck

    We do have Bot flys. Both my dogs have had one. I know what that looks like. What is a warble gag? <br /><br /> -- Tue Jul 15, 2014 9:35 pm -- <br /><br /> We do have Bot flys. Both my dogs have had one. I know what that looks like.*yuck* At this point it doesn't look like a single air hole but...
  9. Jennamah

    Help! Wound on neck

    They were 9 wks. They turned 10 wks yesterday. So I should just watch it?
  10. Jennamah

    Help! Wound on neck

    Help! I was on vacation and my neighbor was taking care of my bunnies. I still have 4 babies in one hutch. When I got home I was giving each one some love and felt a mat/ bump on its neck. I just tried rinsing the hair and I found what I think is a wound. It looks like maybe a bite mark. He is...
  11. Jennamah

    Yucky butt!

    One litter is resolved. Out of the other litter, I cleaned 2 butts yesterday in the morning and 4 butts when I got home. This morning I am cleaning zero butts so I hope this is a good sign! All kits are happy and very playful this am. Fingers crossed!
  12. Jennamah

    Yucky butt!

    Maggie- where do I find the greens and they are still in with the moma. Will she be ok on just the hay and oats? I just noticed you added to your other post. Thank you- I will read about them
  13. Jennamah

    Yucky butt!

    Thanks-it is just so sticky. How long does it take for the babies to adjust to pellets?
  14. Jennamah

    Yucky butt!

    Ok so two of my 4 wk old kits have "yucky butt" What is the best way to remove this. I know bathes can kill them.
  15. Jennamah

    HELP!!!!! Death of a 4 wk kit!

    Ok put oats in the two cages. I have two litters. I other kit in each cage has a little bit of stool stuck to it fur. Not nearly as much as the kit who died. If I pull the pellets , will the mom do ok on oats? How long should I pull them for? Is a little poop on the fur ok or should they be...
  16. Jennamah

    HELP!!!!! Death of a 4 wk kit!

    HELP! I went to check on the kits this morning and I had passed. They are 4 wks old. She had a lot of loose stool around her bottom. The kits are all eating pellets'-Purina Complete. Drinking water. They have clean Timothy Hay. She wasn't loosing wgt. Is this weaning enteritis? How do I prevent...
  17. Jennamah

    Breeding ?

    I know that you should not breed sibling together but mom/son and dad/ daughter is ok. How about step siblings? Same dad but different moms?
  18. Jennamah

    Letting kits play

    When are the kits old enough to put in a pen on the grass for some playtime and socialization? I want very friendly bunnies.
  19. Jennamah

    Help! One kits no gaining weight

    UPDATE: I flipped mom and let this one kit feed by itself. Ever since then it has been gaining weight. I think it was just being push out by other fatties in the litter. Now it must be fighting for the right to feed:)
  20. Jennamah

    Another newbie question

    Great! Tomorrow is day 12 then. A few are open. All look fine. No crusting or swelling! This is so exciting!