HELP!!!!! Death of a 4 wk kit!

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Active member
May 7, 2014
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HELP! I went to check on the kits this morning and I had passed. They are 4 wks old. She had a lot of loose stool around her bottom. The kits are all eating pellets'-Purina Complete. Drinking water. They have clean Timothy Hay. She wasn't loosing wgt. Is this weaning enteritis? How do I prevent this. I do not want to lose the others.
It could be weaning enteritis. I would give them dry old fashioned oatmeal in addition to the hay. If you see loose stools with any of the others I would also pull the pellets for a few days.

Chilling is thought to be a factor, so you may want to give them a bedded area off of the wire as well.

Sorry you lost the little guy. :( Once they get beyond a week or so old I feel like they are pretty likely to make it, so it is always a sad surprise when an older kit dies.

I hope that the others all remain healthy for you. :clover: <br /><br /> -- Mon Jun 02, 2014 8:34 am -- <br /><br /> You can also feed the weeds shepherd's purse and plantain to help with diarrhea. Raspberry and blackberry canes and leaves or strawberry leaves are also good preventatives.
Ok put oats in the two cages. I have two litters. I other kit in each cage has a little bit of stool stuck to it fur. Not nearly as much as the kit who died. If I pull the pellets , will the mom do ok on oats? How long should I pull them for? Is a little poop on the fur ok or should they be totally clean .
Thank you so much for your help!

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