Help- my buck may be sick

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Active member
May 7, 2014
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Hi all, my buck who is usually very lively and greets us the minute you go by his hutch is acting funny today. When I went out to greet my bunnies, he didn't greet me and is just sitting there.

I cut his toenails last night and he was fine. I did give him some Cheerios as a treat afterward but he has has Cheerios before without problems.
He is a Holland lop.
A change in behaviour can be alarming. The thing to do right away is check to see if he is eating and drinking, pooping and peeing.

If all that seems normal, keep an eye on his body language. Is he sitting hunched up or is his posture normal? Is he grinding his teeth? Is he tilting his head back in order to breathe easier? Does his breathing sound normal?

I urge you to keep a close eye on him and report anything unusual that you see. That way we can help you get right on it if he is ill.

One thing to consider... If he resented having his nails trimmed, he may just be in a snit. Rabbits tend to hold grudges, at least for a time. Here is a link to a good site explaining rabbit "language".
Thank you? I thought maybe he was mad at me so I had my daughter go out and he still doesn't want to move. I put a bowl of water out with him and he is drinking. I also put a bowl of old fashioned oat as well. I am not sure about poops as he poops thru a grate down a shoot. I will bring him inside to monitor him. He is not breathing hard and seems to be in a normal position. I will keep you updated.
Good idea to bring him in where you can monitor him. Whenever a rabbit seems off, "intake" and "output" are the first things to check. Keep us updated... and let's hope he's just sulking.
Ok gave him water in a bowl and he drank half. Maybe his water bottle was spout was clogged but I always check them. Brought him in and he had a normal poop. Still being quite. Just watching him for now.
He is drinking... Is he peeing? Like Maggie J said, intake and output are important. And if there is intake, there should be output. If he is drinking, he should be peeing. If not, it could be a kidney problem. He could very well be sulking. When I do my buns' nails, they won't let me pick them up for a day or two. But again. Solid input should mean solid output. Liquid input should mean liquid output.
Thank you all for your help today. Once I got him inside I noticed he wasn't eating, drinking (other than the time this am) peeing or pooping. I planned on taking him to the vet in the am. But it wasn't to be. My daughter found him laying down and didn't seem to be able to move well. He died in her arms on the way to the emergency vet. Now I know that by the time they act strange, it is already an emergency. I really widh he had just been in a snit!
Thank you all. I hope one of the two kits I have know are a buck so his legacy can live on with us.

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