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  1. I

    breeding window

    Thanks this clears up everything!
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    breeding window

    So I really only breed a doe 2 times in a session for 2 hours. But my friend breeds at least 4 seperate times in one day and then breeds the doe again the next day 4 separate times? What is the breeding window for a rabbit for one horn? Because I know a doe can become pregnant with 2 litters.
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    My cat is coming home after 5 years!

    Thats a beautifully marked cat! Love love love! Glad to here she backs nd safe with you :)
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    My Daughter and her pregnant Rabbit

    Thank you guys for your opinions! This helped alot, I think I will just keep a close eye and let her play gently.
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    Bunny pictures!!!!

    I LOVE the last one! Beautiful kits :)
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    My Daughter and her pregnant Rabbit

    So I dont know if this is the right place to put this topic but anyways I have a few house lions and my Daughter had picked a quality BEW doe out of my friends litter I couldn't say no. She is now 5 1/2 months old and currently 16 days pregnant, I have never bred any of my house...
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    oh No!(

    Thats what I have been told :) I was just worried because I was going to breed them June/July and that is when they would be 4 months but oh well I guess we might have some kits. One good thing out of this was the bucksi was going to breed to them were the ones that mounted them when i went out...
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    oh No!(

    Thank you for verifying, I really hope they are. :)
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    oh No!(

    Today I had my friend switch out hutches, so that some of my lionheads could. Mozey around the yard. I wasn't home at the time but I have one barn of bucks with one cage of does that were born Feb 21 of this year. I specifically told him DO NOT put these little does outside today! Well I came...
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    Biscuit's current brood

    Very beautiful Harlequins! :)
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    BEW or tri?

    Ya shes a cutie but i would like to see Carmel too >.< :)
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    BEW or tri?

    Aww Oreo is so cute! :)
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    She needs a Name

    Aww I like Triscuit good one MSD! Thats a very cute name for her I think. :)
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    First-Timer Doe's Pregnancy

    Check to see if she cleaned it today if not you can spot clean her bum! :)
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    BEW or tri?

    :laugh: Chubby bunny
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    BEW or tri?

    Ok cant wait to see him! *excited* sounds very beautiful.
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    BEW or tri?

    Aww.. do you have pictures?
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    Help me pick?

    Number 3 great shape and color :)
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    Nestbox Eye

    Thank you MaggieJ thats great simple advice. I Clean the nest box either way.. maybe thats why none of them have gotten nestbox Eye! :) I will keep the chamomile tea in mind if it ever happens.
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    Late Onset of DM Gene? Update :(

    :D. Did she have them yet! :popcorn: oops after reading the second page I realize you already posted an update. Im sorry... she obviously wanted to be a momma.