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  1. ilovehome

    Looking To Possibly Buy: PLEASE READ

    If you do FB, there are a few elop and elop sales pages you can join to locate buns.
  2. ilovehome

    Who is going to Anderson, Missouri 2/22?

    Yes, I will be going too. Taking a few elops, and maybe a flop. Of course, the elop doe I was excited about taking gnawed on the tip of her other ear yesterday.. sigh.... And the Giant chin doe I wanted to take doesn't quite weight 13 lbs yet, so she won't be going either. But I will go to...
  3. ilovehome

    Setup, Animals...etc Pic Heavu

    Nice pics! I had a few D'Uccles before. Fun birds! Fiona looks like she knows she is important. LOL
  4. ilovehome

    Finding chocolates

    I'll definitely be breeding the lilac daughter back to the black father. I'll also be test breeding the black son I kept back to the blue tort mother next week. I have a chestnut doe, and at least a couple of black does that may be carriers also. I thought the lynx might be faster for finding...
  5. ilovehome

    Finding chocolates

    I had this "happy accident" of a blue tort doe x black buck producing a lilac elop doe. One doe is not really helpful for test breeding for more chocolate carriers. :| I happen to have a lynx FA buck. Wouldn't he be useful for test breeding the self elops to determine who is carrying...
  6. ilovehome

    Pot bellied pigs taste NICE!!!

    Fascinating...never would have thought of using them for this purpose. Now my wheels are spinning...with just the hubs and I here, this might be a perfect option for us. Hmmmm...think I will check craigslist...
  7. ilovehome

    Nachosita (cha cha cha) POPPED!

    Oh gotta wuv those faces! Congrats!
  8. ilovehome

    split penis-- genetics

    I was preparing my best litter of elops for selling today, and noticed that one of the bucks appears to have a split penis. Turns out I don't have 3 bucks and 4 does...I have 5 bucks, 3 with split penis, and 2 does. :x This was the bucks first breeding, and the does 2nd litter. She had 2...
  9. ilovehome

    Mousse de foie de lapin

    Good to know....especially since I just bought a copy of that same cookbook for $3 a couple of weeks ago.
  10. ilovehome

    Lost due to cold

    I have had to redo nests sometimes because all the fur is on top of the kits, and there is little or no fur or hay under the kits. Sometimes, the does simply don't pull enough fur to keep them warm, so I add more.
  11. ilovehome

    Little Mini Lops

    Adorable mini minis!
  12. ilovehome

    I knew she looked big...

    Yes, I put them back in 24 hours later. She seems to do this for just 24-48 hours, and then settles down to being a wonderful mom.
  13. ilovehome

    I knew she looked big...

    One of the bigger ones died overnight, so we are down to eleven, with two of them being a little smaller than the others. Each doe has seven to raise now. Mom seems relieved, but she is a toot. She gets in the nest box and digs with the kits in it. I'm afraid she will squash them or cut them...
  14. ilovehome

    babies coming .. I hope it warms upUPDATE...FIRST LITTER BOR

    I don't know how you in the north do it so well. It is 20 degrees here, and we are cold!!! I hope all goes well.
  15. ilovehome

    Pictures of kits! :P

    Wow! How unique!
  16. ilovehome

    I knew she looked big...

    But I did not expect her to have 12!!! This is my largest elop litter ever! Sweetie Pie had the smallest litter of two a few weeks ago, and now she had the largest. They are pretty evenly sized, too. Fortunately, I have another doe who gave birth to three live kits two days ago and they are...
  17. ilovehome

    Questions from a newby

    I think it would be fine to put the box on its side. They will get back into it when they need to be warm again. After the box is cleaned out the first time, I refill it with pine shavings. You can still put a little hay on it for them to nibble on.
  18. ilovehome

    Just for fun... A Groundhog Day Feast!

    I did not do it for groundhog's day, but did make rabbit pie last week. I use the recipe from The Pioneer Woman's turkey pot pie, but I add potatoes. It is delicious, and has become of of our favorites. I use a pint of canned rabbit. Her pot pie and crust recipes seem similar to yours. I...
  19. ilovehome

    Small victories

    We had 22 GCs at the Malvern AR show in November, and some of those breeders attend the Anderson and Carthage MO shows. I hope to attend Skiatook in March, and may bring a GC or two. Glad to hear good things are happening for you.