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  1. rockyhillrabbits

    Family on the grow!

    Congrats! Is this your first litter?
  2. rockyhillrabbits

    Need advice on handling rabbits

    Kevlar sleeves are a life saver! Even my babies that are handled and picked up frequently get a little squirmy. I just do picking up and handling in small doses and try to make it a positive experience.
  3. rockyhillrabbits

    The woes of rabbit searching

    Let me do some thinking on those. I have never raised Silver Fox and don't see them much here but I'd like to add another breed.
  4. rockyhillrabbits

    How are you keeping your rabbits cool this really hot "summer" so far?

    I'm in northeast Arkansas and so far our summer has been mild. A few days of 90s, pretty low humidity. Mine are in a tin roofed barn, with a long open front, an opening on the side and another opening in the back. I use big frozen juice jugs and soda bottles but most of them totally ignore...
  5. rockyhillrabbits

    Hello all .. I'm still new here . Question?

    If you could get a picture, that would be helpful. I say that does have tacos and boys have cheerios lol.
  6. rockyhillrabbits

    At 14 wks growing this is the outcome

    I used to cross Flemish with new Zealand just for meat rabbits. At 8 weeks they were reaching fryer weight. I never cared much for Californian but I could have had a bad bloodline. Nasty temperaments, never bred, and when they finally did were not good moms. My ideal meat rabbit is the Flemish...
  7. rockyhillrabbits

    The woes of rabbit searching

    Yeah, I had looked up the affected areas before. I'm getting a buck from Texas next week.
  8. rockyhillrabbits

    Marking a rabbit for identification?

    I have never used the clamp style, but I researched it and heard from others who use it. I know others have had rabbits jerk away and tear their ears. That was the biggest reason I never used them. The clamp style might be quicker, but I like the way the pen style tattoos look. It takes me about...
  9. rockyhillrabbits

    New Kits!

    Aww love babies. They look like well-fed, chunky babies :)
  10. rockyhillrabbits

    Marking a rabbit for identification?

    I use a battery operated tattoo pen. There are several different ones but they all have the same concept. I clean the ear with a cotton ball soaked in alcohol. I use numbing spray and it makes it easier on the rabbits and on me, wait a couple minutes, then turn on the pen and dip in the ink so...
  11. rockyhillrabbits

    Trying rabbit

    I have raised rabbits about 4 years now and have only butchered and ate maybe 2 lol. Hubby is the one who dispatches and I help him dress it out. It's not easy for me because even when I know an animal is going to be eaten, I still can't help but get attached. However, fried rabbit with biscuits...
  12. rockyhillrabbits

    Marking a rabbit for identification?

    For temp ear marking I use a sharpie and do like D1, D2, B1,B2, etc until I'm ready to tattoo them. It works pretty good, just have to touch it up every few days.
  13. rockyhillrabbits

    Planting BOSS?

    When I fed BOSS before, I would always lose a few seeds and I did have some actually sprout and get a few sunflowers growing lol.
  14. rockyhillrabbits

    Timothy Hay

    LOL we do what we gotta do sometimes
  15. rockyhillrabbits

    Dumor Wire Cages

    Lol I had cages with those doors that swing up and inward....hated them! Hopefully soon we will have the time and money to get started on our Flemish hutches.
  16. rockyhillrabbits

    The woes of rabbit searching

    Yeah my plan is to show also, but our local rabbit club won't have a show until spring of next year and the next closest ones are in southwest Missouri and somewhere in Kentucky but I'm hoping to be able to go just to get an idea.
  17. rockyhillrabbits

    The woes of rabbit searching

    I don't do Facebook. I've been looking at the breeder directory for ARBA and the Flemish clubs.
  18. rockyhillrabbits

    The woes of rabbit searching

    I quarantine all new stock and do a thorough look-over before they come home and try to avoid buying in those areas. So far Arkansas doesn't have any cases, but I believe they have it in TX, MS, and maybe TN.
  19. rockyhillrabbits

    Mastitis prevention

    Mastitis is caused by bacteria, so if a teat gets scratched it can open up the possibility for bacteria. Cleanliness is the most important thing. I don't think the amount of feed has much to do with it. Cabbage is a natural mastitis treatment, if you can figure out a way to keep it on the area...
  20. rockyhillrabbits

    what to do next? (baby rabbit)

    So...where did this baby come from because it's not a wild rabbit. Are you sure it's not from one of your does?