I haven't done it lately but I used to sprout them all the time for our use. Here's how I did it. Use a plastic container about the size of a shoe box and put about 1 or 1-1/2 inches of well moistened indoor potting mix in the bottom. Then put a single layer of seeds on the soil, press them against, but not into the soil. Then put wet paper towels on top of the seeds and put it out of direct sunlight. Keep the paper towel damp by misting it if you need to. After a couple of days, lift the paper towel to check on the seeds. They may already be sprouting and once the majority have started to lift off the soil remove the paper toweling but keep misting the soil as necessary. After they are 4-5 inches tall move the container to a place where it can get more light and then when most of the seeds have fallen off you can start cutting them off just above the soil level. I like them best at about 7-8 inches tall. If I remember correctly the whole process was around eight days. After you harvest them all the soil will come out like a mat and you can compost it or throw it in an unused garden bed. You will end up with more since all the seeds will not have germinated as soon as the others did. These are my favorite sprouts. Great on sandwiches, in salad and stir fries. And I bet rabbits would love them too!