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  1. Sagebrush

    Show me your hutches!

    Just finished building hutches for the new Dutch rabbits I got a few weeks back. They had been in temp cages till I got these finished. Moved my Flemish over to the new area as well. Of course next to the garden so the black gold can be used pretty easily. Flemish cages are 96"W x 30"L x 24" H...
  2. Sagebrush

    Kit Isn't Eating?

    That is unfortunate. I am so sorry. I'm still curious as to why the kit would suddenly stop eating though.
  3. Sagebrush

    Interesting litter

    Just did a check with the kits and took them out for pictures. The pic of the kit I am holding is the darker kit from previous. I am leaning towards Sable Chinchilla at this point.
  4. Sagebrush

    Interesting litter

    Honestly I am not sure if he is either Sable or Chocolate Chin. He has silver with brown tipping but the base of the hair shaft is really nice grey. Here are the fur pics of both the parents from back in November when I had a nice sunny day. First pic is Clerise, second one is the father. With...
  5. Sagebrush

    Interesting litter

    Hello all, been a while since I was here last. For the last 3 years I have been breeding Flemish Giants exclusively as a meat source. I know it takes longer for them to reach a good butcher weight but I also use the hides as well so don't mind waiting longer. I started with a Fawn buck and doe...
  6. Sagebrush

    Worth It?

    I do all the animal care, which includes dispatching and processing. My boyfriend enjoys the benefits but he can't do it himself. If I have to be out of town he makes sure that they all have fresh water and food daily. Since he fixes things around the house and fixes the cars (he is a mechanic)...
  7. Sagebrush

    Help with genotype

    That it does! She is beautiful for sure.
  8. Sagebrush

    Help with genotype

    Seems to be working for me. The kit on the hand appears to be a "wildtype" Agouti and the other one appears to be a chocolate Agouti. The last picture of this thread is a beautiful Red. Does it happen to have Satin JudyMac?
  9. Sagebrush

    I have a lot of questions

    This is very true! They have more training on large livestock and on things like cats and dogs. Even when they are getting "Exotics" classes it is mainly for birds and some primates, by my experience, all other exotics are more of a blip. When I was going through my Vet Tech classes I was...
  10. Sagebrush

    Frosted Flemish?

    Thank you Judymac. That is what I was thinking and trying to work out. I wish I could get better pictures of them all but is rather difficult. They don't like being on the table. Edited to add the pictures below. Sagewort is a new buck that I got specifically to breed with Clerise. I am hoping...
  11. Sagebrush

    Frosted Flemish?

    Hello everyone. I know it has been a minute since I was last here and made an actual post, life has been busy! However, I have been working with Flemish Giant. I actually breed for meat and fur as I like to make gifts for family with the furs. I started out with a couple Fawn Flemish Giants, and...
  12. Sagebrush

    Just an Update

    MaggieJ, that is so very true. We wouldn't be here if we could not work together. I have now started classes, fun though they "might" be, I cannot wait till this sequence is over and I can start learning more than just the foundation. I know that without a good solid foundation your house will...
  13. Sagebrush

    How long after spay can rabbit jump level to level?

    The thing about having her spayed is that yes, 10 days after surgery, the skin is fairly well healed. However the muscles, tendons underneath are still healing. They take much longer to nit back together. I would give her about 2-3 weeks before allowing her to jump from level to level. If she is...
  14. Sagebrush

    Happy Birthday to Kyle@theWintertime

    Hope you are having a wonderful Birthday Kyle!!!
  15. Sagebrush

    What Breed?

    For what it is worth, Cottontail rabbits cannot breed with Domestic rabbits. They will not produce viable young. However, they can and will introduce endo/ectoparasites to your domestic buns.
  16. Sagebrush

    What Breed?

    To be honest my first thought on seeing the little one was "Cottontail". I am sure someone else might have a better idea.
  17. Sagebrush

    Happy Birthday Sagebrush!!

    Thank you all for the Birthday wishes. I am so very sorry it took so long to come and check up on all of what is going on here. :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: I can say that school has been a rush. I am taking a moment to focus on things outside of school at the moment. I am in the...
  18. Sagebrush

    Pen G dosage

    The formula for the that is: Weight * Dose / concentraion= amount to be given Meaning you take the weight of the rabbit, pounds or kilograms depending on how it is dosed, multiply by the dose, then divide by the concentration of the bottle. To convert pounds to kilograms wight in pounds /...
  19. Sagebrush

    Pen G dosage

    Hello Hotcatz. So I went in and did the math for you. The dose you would give for the 42,000 IU range would be 0.32 mL. As far as the duration of how and when you would give the shots depends on what you are trying to treat for. Like MaggieJ said "What are you treating the rabbits for, Hotcatz...
  20. Sagebrush

    Growth rate vs size at birth

    Hello NY Rabbits. With the growth rate, we also need to look at the breed or breeds that your rabbits are. For instance, I breed smaller rabbits, so to be at 4# by 8 weeks is HUGE, but if you are breeding one of the larger breeds like Flemish, then that wouldn't be a very good growth rate.