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  1. M

    Travel blog

    Take lots of bunny photos please!
  2. M

    Litter Color Predictions

    Himi can carry REW, also Smoke Pearls carry either REW or Himi.
  3. M

    Litter Color Predictions

    What a pity! How did you know it was a Himi at birth? They are born looking REW... that is, completely pink.
  4. M

    Color of this doe?

    She's lilac sable.
  5. M

    Litter Color Predictions

    Dark Sable is also known as Seal. Dark Sable is more of a UK term, the website you looked at is by a UK author. Genes come in pairs, one from each parent, a pair for each locus. A locus is a group, each group controlling something different, such as amount of black, whether they are dilute or...
  6. M

    Travel blog

    Yes they pose all breeds like that in Germany. It's only ARBA that poses rabbits with the hand on the head. Most European countries stand them like that.
  7. M

    Travel blog

    You might like this website - Alle Kaninchenrassen mit Beschreibung und Bild - – KANINCHENRASSEN.INFO It shows all the recognised breeds in Germany. The nearest thing to Argente is the Großsilver Hell [Large Silver, light] and Kleinsilber Hell [Small Silver, light]. Also...
  8. M

    Forage-only diet; what if I exclude grain completely from my rabbits' diet?

    This is true, but wild rabbits are small, only 3-4 pounds in weight (1.3-1,8kg) and have the freedom to graze all day long.
  9. M

    French Rex?????

    I would try to see if you can find anyone developing Giant Rex, and use some of these to start your project.
  10. M

    Another color question

    They will be starting to chew the strands of hay in the nest, which is normal. I'd wait until they are out of the nest (which won't be long now) before giving them anything. The development of the digestive system in rabbits is such a finely tuned and delicate thing, you don't want to risk...
  11. M

    False Pregnancy?

    Two falloffs should be enough - ONE falloff can be plenty, and I've had several does who only allow one. In one case, the doe permitted just the one mating and then had a litter of 11. Another doe I have has surprised me twice, by allowing the buck only one falloff, which I missed seeing on both...
  12. M

    Another color question

    Robinson's 'Colour Inheritance in Small Livestock' is still in print, although the second edition has a couple of typos, notably using e(i) instead of e(j) for Harlequin.
  13. M

    What Are The Chances?

    They can sometimes still be fertile with only one - a buck I sold (proven) was found to have only one by his new owner. I genuinely hadn't noticed. But in general, monorchidism can be an inherited trait, which you don't really want to introduce into your breeding stock.
  14. M

    Too small to eat?

    Historically, Dutch crosses have been used for meat due to their fast growth rate. Usually a Dutch buck is put over a larger breed. This was a common cross for meat in the UK before New Zealands were imported after WW2; a Dutch being used with a Belgian Hare, Flemish or Beveren doe.
  15. M

    Is rabbit that recovered from myxomatosis immune to it?

    Yes she probably is immune, but I'd double check that with your vet. Not sure where you are but there may be some kind of spray you can use to deter mosquitoes, such as the ones used to prevent flystrike. More info on myxomatosis here -...
  16. M

    What colors are these?

    English is a breed. Broken is a pattern (created by the English spotting gene). If they're not the actual English [Spot] breed, then call them Broken, as that's the accepted term used in many breeds and crosses.
  17. M

    Hello guys, I'm a new rabbit hobbyist i like to learn to learn a lot in breeding this animals.

    It's viral, from the Calicivirus family and it's tough! It can survive freezing, and also high temperatures. It's also resistant to a lot of common disinfectants. It can be airborne, spread by flies and biting insects, or come on on contaminated objects, on shoes, animals' feet, or spread by the...
  18. M

    RHD has been identified in PA

    How about speaking to people who have had this virus and watched their rabbits die? Or had their State euthanize any survivors? The virus exists, it's rampaged through Europe for the last 7-10 years and is now in 22 states in the US as well as some in Canada. Burying your head in the sand...
  19. M

    RHD has been identified in PA

    Just to add, European brown hares have now been getting myxomatosis, so it's possible that eventually it may affect US native species in the future.
  20. M

    RHD has been identified in PA

    I've seen a rabbit being bitten by a mosquito, on the inner edge of the lower eyelid. The rabbit didn't notice and there was no raised bump. It's possible rabbits don't react to bites meaning it's not possible to find evidence they've been bitten.